3 Podcasters walk into a Bar – Chevron Supreme Court Decision Impact

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3 Podcasters walk into a Bar – Chevron Supreme Court Decision Impact

Stuart Turley [00:00:06] All right. Are we having. All right. We have David Blackmon. Have you ever had those three guys that are walking into a bar and all of a sudden they realize we stopped, and it was a presidential debate last night. Holy smokes Batman David Blackmon how the hell are you?

David Blackmon [00:00:31] Well, I’m good, I guess. It’s only two podcasters walking into the bar today. I don’t know where RT is. He’s the one that wanted to do this.

Stuart Turley [00:00:38] I don’t know, but I was on the phone with some CIA folks, and I’m not. I’ll tell you what. This is crazy.

David Blackmon [00:00:48] Maybe he ran Into a roadside CIA checkpoint. Here he comes.

Stuart Turley [00:00:51] Here comes Mr. RT

David Blackmon [00:00:53] There he is.

Rey Treviño [00:00:54] Okay, where are you guys? Can you hear me?

Stuart Turley [00:00:57] Yeah. Yes. Mr RT.

Rey Treviño [00:00:59] Awesome,.

Stuart Turley [00:01:00] Mr. RT’s one of them big dogs over there at Pecos Operating. And, also the host of The Crude Truth. David Blackmon is the host of The Energy Question. He is a Substack contributor and author. And, I’ll tell you what, this is a crazy old thing here. Last night’s debate. Guys, I know we’re going to talk about Chevron. This is a big deal. But here I want to let this one slide sink in about last night. And  We’re looking at this. This is a direct quote from Barack Obama. Do not underestimate Joe’s ability to f things up, Barack Obama. And I guarantee you, he said that a few times last night.

David Blackmon [00:01:47] Oh, he said it a bunch of times. And I have a mayor culpa to do because, I obviously underestimated his ability to bleep things up in that debate. And I also am guilty of questioning Trump’s judgment in agreeing to the debate in the first place. And, I should have known better.

Stuart Turley [00:02:07] I’ll tell you what. I thought that it was going to be Joe Biden’s double, because it was always the thing saying that he was either if he was not hyped up on Red bull, if he was like he was in the thing, it was going to be a body double. And he sure enough, in the first minute I knew it was him because it was so bad.

David Blackmon [00:02:28] It was it was stunning how bad it was.

Rey Treviño [00:02:31] It was it was a it was different. And, I mean, the way Trump just was patient and just let him talk and he talked himself right into every single one of those pickles that he got there.

Stuart Turley [00:02:44] There are some wonderful things where Trump is just looking at him going.

David Blackmon [00:02:50] Oh, the split screen was devastating for Biden.

Stuart Turley [00:02:53] I think CNN would be devastating. I despise them, as a journalism,

David Blackmon [00:02:59] I Think we almost everyone

Stuart Turley [00:03:01] I Think it was a 100% well orchestrated setup. Might have been. I think that they pulled it off flawlessly, and I think that they did a great job for what they needed to do.

David Blackmon [00:03:15] Yeah. And, you know, including not shooting them up with the same cocktail of prescription drugs that he was on at the state of the Union last night. He just gave a speech today somewhere. I don’t know where. He’s reading it off a teleprompter. And apparently they had given him the drug cocktail. But he’s yelling, screaming and hyped up. And, you know, I mean, that’s who I expected to show up last night. Obviously, I was wrong.

Stuart Turley [00:03:39] RT, this is offensive to me that we no wonder all three of our podcasts are doing so well. Because, RT, you have the Crude Truth. David, you have the energy question, and mine is energy. Newsbeat podcast conversations with Stuart Turley. And also, we have the Energy realities with Tammy Nemeth and Irina Slav. And we are animals when getting content out there. But I think we’re doing great because of the lying mainstream media. All right.

Rey Treviño [00:04:07] Well, you know, I’ll say this and then we’ll jump into Chevron because that’s that’s such a big deal, especially to an operator like Pecos Country Operating, hello out there, my man. How were you? That when I watch, I had a great conversation with David Blackmon this morning about the Chevron deal, but we did talk about the debate, and I watched more MSNBC and CNN last night because I couldn’t believe the way that they turned on him. I mean, even I was like, why is Kamala Harris coming out to talk? Was this scheduled before. Or just because. She’s coming out now? This is damage control,.

David Blackmon [00:04:52] Right?

Rey Treviño [00:04:54] Yeah, I saw the MSNBC.

Stuart Turley [00:04:56] Turn on her.

Rey Treviño [00:04:58] Yeah. Oh, really? No. Rachel Maddow. Rachel Maddow was just, oh my God, kissing her butt left and right. Yeah. And, but no, I mean, the it was it was such a mess. And what really I think, you know, kind of leading into what we’re talking about. That’s how non substance that president is. Just like these regulations that have been going through. They’re not substance. There’s nothing in these in these new rules that we have to follow. They’re not laws and they haven’t truly been regulated or vetted, but yet they come out of nowhere. So let’s dive into this. I mean, David, let’s let’s dive into this Chevron and this huge Supreme Court ruling, which I find interesting, comes out on a Friday afternoon when everybody is already on vacation. I made a couple of calls, after we talked. I’ve already talked to some great people, and, they all kind of had a quick little thing to say, but everybody’s already on vacation.

David Blackmon [00:05:59] Yeah. So this is an enormous decision. The the impacts from this will reverberate through the federal judiciary, for decades, really. I mean, this, the Chevron. So this is the Loper, bright v Raimondo. Case, which was a case involving, a lunatic. Really absurd regulation. By the National Marine Fisheries Agency on commercial fishermen requiring those fishermen to take a couple of. Inspectors with them on their trips and but not only take them out on their fishing boats, but pay the costs of their being there, including their salaries and the costs of their benefits. And so these these marine fishermen. You know, the shrimpers and the commercial fishermen. Often would be paying. Whenever those inspectors were on their boats, there was at least two of them. Usually the costs of paying the inspectors would be more than those fishermen make in a day, and their crews make in a day. Okay, so so just an incredibly onerous regulation. The Supreme Court, you know, ruled that, overturned or that the regulation was not in compliance with statute and in the process said also rescinded the Chevron deference in A63 decision. The Chevron deference was was put in place 40 years ago by the Supreme Court, A54 no, A60 decision by the Supreme Court. Three justices, didn’t participate in that decision, I guess, because they didn’t want to be seen voting against it. And, basically what it says is it orders federal courts to defer to the judgment of the regulatory agency when they are issuing regulations under a statute whose language is vague. Okay. And so the courts basically ceded expertise, legal expertise to the legal counsels within these federal agencies on the assumption. That those federal agencies would employ attorneys who operated in good faith. We’re conscientious people and have what’s best for the country in mind. But since the 40 year ago doctrine was put in place, as we’ve seen in every aspect of our government, we no longer have that kind of person being employed by the federal government. Every aspect of the federal government is now completely corrupted by politics. And so starting in the Clinton administration, they put in lawyers and these agencies who would aggressively exploit the Chevron deference in order to expand the regulatory purview of their agency. And ultimately, we came got the 2007, and you had the EPA wanting to regulate carbon dioxide, a fundamental element that is the foundational building block for all life on planet Earth as a pollutant. And the Supreme Court, citing in part, the Chevron deference, defer to the judgment of the lawyers at the EPA and every bit of climate change law that’s come since then is based on that Supreme Court decision. Okay. So this is overturning the Chevron deference opens up every regulation. Related to energy and climate, to new litigation based on new arguments. It’s going to take years for all of it to come about. But the impacts are and not just where energy and climate are concerned, but all regulation that have been been enacted since then will now be open to question. And, it’s it’s going to be a trial lawyers Paradise for a while. Anyway. Sorry, Stu.

Stuart Turley [00:10:21] So if, if I understand this correctly and that is if it’s open to interpretation. That. What we have just heard today is that Congress needs to do their. Job. I’m sorry. And clean this up. This is a family show, so they need to do there. In the words of Barack Obama and Job. Instead. It’s impossible to craft legislation out there, right? They need to actually have experts help write the laws.

Rey Treviño [00:10:55] Well, absolutely. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:10:56] Yeah, but but use the Endangered Species Act as an example here.

Stuart Turley [00:11:01] Okay.

David Blackmon [00:11:02] You know, the the Endangered Species Act is actually pretty well written and pretty clear in its intentions, in its meaning and limitations. It’s supposedly pushed put on the US Fish and Wildlife Service. But since Chevron was put into place, and it’s called Chevron because it was related to a case that Chevron was involved in. Anyway, since Chevron was put in place, you’ve had these, these radical activist groups like the center for Biological Diversity and Earth First, and a couple of others use the Chevron deference to convince lawyers within Fish and Wildlife to rule that species they clearly are not threatened or endangered in any way, like the dune sagebrush lizard, like the sage grouse that has an open hunting season on it in Wyoming, as endangered due to the diminishing habitat principle. Right? Which is not at all a part of the Endangered Species Act. And so all those listings are also going to be opened up to potential litigation.

Stuart Turley [00:12:10] Let me ask after we talk. Hey, Patrick. It’s great seeing you. You can bet oil and gas companies all that have their lawyers researching every policy that can be challenged, reversed.

David Blackmon [00:12:21] Yes. There’s going to be a massive mountain of new litigation related to this stuff.

Stuart Turley [00:12:25] On a on a follow up. Would it go in on an oil? Well, with the lizards out there, you know, them them little tiny lizards out there that there are 17 bazillion of them running around out there. Will this help the guys start drilling again? And, another follow up question is here is can I, as a concerned citizen, tired of seeing eagles and whales dying because of wind farms? Can I sue to have their hunting licenses as a wind farm revoked?

Rey Treviño [00:13:02] You know, those are both great questions. I like how you use the wind farm in that second one. I think what this will do is definitely motivate us a little bit more to be in areas like I always use New Mexico as my example. You know, the Permian Basin, as we all know, goes, you know, I consider east New Mexico part of West Texas, as we all do for oil and gas purposes. But, you know, it’s very it’s very not friendly. And so what we now have is an opportunity to actually be able to go to these areas and not worry about, you know, David, like David’s written on several times about the lizards and the Endangered Species Act. I’ve said this before. You know, places like the EPA itself have made great rules. And I like clean water just like everybody else, but they overstep their boundaries. And, you know, guys, this is something that we have had great opportunities talking about over the last couple of months. Us in our other team included in Michael Tanner and Christie Kearns, that we’ve been able to talk with several legislative, individuals from Representative Pfluger to, Senator Ted Cruz about legislation through regulation. And this is really a large step towards getting rid of that to allow us to one continue to do our job. But like you said Stu, let Congress be the one to make these laws that go into place, don’t just find a way in a loophole for lawyers to do this and stymie half of our, economy. That’s a little much there. But you know what I mean. It’s time is the economy of the oil and gas industry, which then slows down the United States oil and gas, which then slows down the economy of the oil. Wow. Joe Biden ended up here, which then slows down the economy of America. Sorry

Stuart Turley [00:14:53] you know, I just I’m sorry you said, hey, you gotta go like, f things up again. I don’t you I want to know what he was thinking with his head on the desk. You know, last night.

David Blackmon [00:15:06] Who? Obama.

Stuart Turley [00:15:07] Yeah. His fourth term, you know, is toast.

David Blackmon [00:15:11] Well, it’s certainly up in the air at this point. I mean, if Biden decides to. Insist on staying on the ticket then? Yeah. I mean, I think his chances of winning pretty much went down the track.

Stuart Turley [00:15:24] And we have until I believe it’s August 2nd. That is like some of the first dates. It’s even before the Democratic convention, the one that they have to get somebody named. Unless

David Blackmon [00:15:42]  No because they have nominated anybody yet.

Rey Treviño [00:15:45] Well, guys, I’m a pretty much an MSNBC expert and they really went into detail on this yesterday. I was really saying, this is like at 11:00 last night. They’ve got to literally I think they have up until the convention, but they also have to have, President Biden here at some point say he’s not going to seek reelection. Right. But then also that doesn’t mean and they got to wait till the certain point, because if they don’t, that means Kamala will automatically somehow then be the frontrunner or actually president if some something their frontrunner or the first choice or actually be president until then. So they’ve got a lot to discuss and figure out. So long story short, you know, they do have up until the convention. And the other thing that they pointed out was, hey, nobody was talking to JD Vance, Doug, burger or any of them. They were all talking to, the California governor and somebody else. Gavin Newsom, was here. Everybody went.

Stuart Turley [00:16:53] Why was there Slick Willie there?

David Blackmon [00:16:55] Well, he was in the room. He was

Stuart Turley [00:16:58] Oh, that’s right.

David Blackmon [00:16:58] He’d been asked to come serve as a as a Biden surrogate in the spin room. Yeah. They’re going to have to convince Biden to step down. And and the thing is, I think they’ll do that because Biden’s not really the leader of the Democratic Party. This is not like it was when LBJ stepped down. He did it voluntarily as the leader of the Democratic Party. Joe Biden is not the leader of anything, and everybody knows it. He’s he’s not the leader of going to the bathroom. Everyone knows that after last night. Now. Okay, that’s crystal clear. And Obama and, a few others, like Chuck Schumer and George Soros and a few other billionaires run the Democratic Party. And all it’s going to take is for them to get together, make a trip up to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and tell Joe he’s out and and he’ll he can either go the easy way or the hard way. Like, Howard Baker told Richard Nixon and Nixon chose the easy way. And I suspect Jill Biden will tell Joe Biden to choose the easy way to.

Rey Treviño [00:18:06] We’ll see. I know Jill was pretty excited about everything going on, so we’ll see. And, you know, I’ll tell you this, I think we’re in for some good changes in this. If this isn’t motivating the Supreme Court and good, bad or indifferent as bad as President Biden did, and I’m saying as bad as President Biden did last night, this really should motivate a lot of people. For 2025, 2026, we could see some real positive changes. I’d love to see our government get back to being the real government and just focusing on what they need to, and leaving the economy out of it. And so, you know, with this Supreme Court, decision, you know, again, it it makes President Trump look very good. But what does worry me and this is something, I want to say that me and David Blackman talked about earlier is this will also motivate the Democrats to probably try to do something within the Supreme Court, because they obviously are not going to like this ruling that came out today.

David Blackmon [00:19:09] Yeah. To pack the court. Yeah. I mean, they’ll try, but they don’t yet. They don’t have the majority in the Senate to do it. Can I say one thing before we. Wrap this up. Yeah. Yeah. Is one of the reasons I think everyone needs to understand. One of the main reasons why you’re seeing these media talking heads on MSNBC and CNN suddenly turn on a dime on Biden after last night is because the shock to their system during that debate was the realization that all the lies they’ve been telling to the public. It had now been revealed as obvious lies. Remember, these are the same people that have been telling all of us, assuring us that, well, the Biden you see in public is completely different from the Biden behind closed doors, behind closed doors. He’s some sort of computer genius solving quadratic equations and talking about string theory. Okay, that’s what they’ve been telling us. Joe Scarborough more than anybody else. And Rachel Maddow, these, these despicable represent reprehensible liars on CNN and MSNBC. They had a real shock to their systems because they realize that their complicity in supporting this fake presidency for three and a half years was just revealed for everyone to see. That’s why they would.

Stuart Turley [00:20:33] Not be successful if they were good.

David Blackmon [00:20:36] Well that’s true. That’s it. And neither would our Substacks.

Stuart Turley [00:20:40] No. I want to give a shout out to, Vance again. Doctor Vance again. He is a former, Trump, economist. And he’s got an invite to all your two podcasts and also three podcasters. So we’re going to bring him back on to talk on on some of this stuff in the near future. He’s coolcat.

David Blackmon [00:21:00] By the way, I’ve secured an interview with Megan Lapp. Nice. Is, a spokesperson for the marine fishermen involved in that lawsuit. She’s going to be on my podcast next week, and, maybe we should have her on this one, too.

Stuart Turley [00:21:15] Do we want to do that one live?

David Blackmon [00:21:19] Yeah, I’m going to. I’m going to convince her she should do it live. Yes.

Stuart Turley [00:21:22] I think we should.

Rey Treviño [00:21:25] Okay, since I know. That’s awesome.

Stuart Turley [00:21:29] So with that, you know, we have Patrick Devine, and this was a fun one for a short Friday. Hope everybody. Oh, yeah. Thank you. I just threw up. Thank you. Yeah. Mr..

Rey Treviño [00:21:41] Patrick. Thank you. Patrick.

David Blackmon [00:21:42] My marriage, cousin by marriage.

Stuart Turley [00:21:45] Oh, my goodness. All right, so, hey, this was the three podcasters, RT Your last, coming around the corner.

Rey Treviño [00:21:52] Hey, everybody, get excited. We got big changes coming. Let’s just keep going. We got the July 4th. Remember that? We are an independent country. We. You know, we do have to stand up for ourselves. So this is this is motivating, y’all. And I hate to say that you see somebody kind of fall to get motivated. The Supreme Court ruling today. God is good, y’all. And, let’s just continue and thank you to everybody watching. We appreciate it.

Stuart Turley [00:22:22] David, last word to you.

David Blackmon [00:22:24] God bless America.

Stuart Turley [00:22:25] God bless America, and God bless everybody. That is on X. I absolutely love X. It was entertainment last night. Have a great time, guys. I’ll see you guys later.

David Blackmon [00:22:37] Have a great weekend.

Stuart Turley [00:22:42] See you RT