Michael and Stu tackle some great energy questions covering Exon’s move into the greener space vs. Occidental Petroleum. What investors are looking for in Big Oil greener plans.
We also highlight real-world solutions with Grenelily that truly have ECO solutions for energy without tax support. Their solutions work to deliver biodiesel, and ethanol at a fraction of the cost and significantly lower impact on the environment.
Michael and Stu are getting great questions and want to hear from you about your thoughts, solutions, and research you need.
Stories Covered Today
Occidental Petroleum investing heavily in low-carbon future
Exxon May Be Becoming Over-Priced – Would you buy it?
Wind energy is now South Dakota’s No. 1 producer of electricity, but not every day
ENB #90 Debra Wold, CEO, Grenelily, Stops back by with more renewable energy that does not need tax or subsidies.
We would also like to thank our ENB Podcast sponsor. Enverus. You can find out more at their website: Enverus.com
A shout-out to our fellow travelers with Enverus.
Fellow Podcast Travlers:
Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN
Paige Wilson, Host of Oil and Gas Industry Leaders and Co-Host of Oil and Gas This Week Podcast.