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Daily Energy Standup Episode #53 -BP says renewables are not profitable – NATO wants EV tanks – Scotland has a wind pollution problem

BP says renewables are not profitable – NATO wants EV tanks – Scotland has a wind pollution problem.

What a day. The key takeaway is that there is a trend from global investors to demand profits over ESG investing. BP CEO says they have to focus on profitable areas of income in order to meet investor expectations. Renewable projects are not profitable. And boy the NATO commander did not read the memo; he is asking for solar panels on tanks so they can be greener. 


Highlights of the podcast

00:00 – Intro
03:47 – Column: An open letter to Californians: A high-utility-bill explanation, and a path to a smarter energy future
06:08 – We Found No Misuse Of US Funds In Ukraine’, US Treasury Says (With Straight Face) – long term energy price impact
08:42 – Riddle: What happens when 14 million trees are cut down to make way for wind turbines? Answer: Scotland Littered By Tonnes of Toxic Plastics Shed By Thousands of Wind Turbine Blades –
10:46 – NATO CHIEF WANTS MILITARY TANKS TO HAVE SOLAR PANELS -“It takes a village to raze an idiot, and the green village is global”      
12:38 – McDermott Joins In on Greece Africa Intercom Connector Project
14:34 – BP’s CEO Plays Down Renewables Push as Returns Lag – Translation: “Investors Expect Returns and Renewables Are Not Profitable”
18:12 – Market Updates
22:21 – Outro

BP’s CEO Plays Down Renewables Push as Returns Lag – Translation: “Investors Expect Returns and Renewables Are Not Profitable”

Big Oil Companies

February 1, 2023

LONDON—BP PLC BP 0.58%increase; green up pointing triangle Chief Executive Bernard Looney plans to dial back elements of the oil giant’s high-profile push into renewable energy, according to people familiar with recent discussions. Mr. Looney has said he is disappointed in the […]

Riddle: What happens when 14 million trees are cut down to make way for wind turbines? Answer: Scotland Littered By Tonnes of Toxic Plastics Shed By Thousands of Wind Turbine Blades –

ENB Pub Note

February 1, 2023

Column: An open letter to Californians: A high-utility-bill explanation, and a path to a smarter energy future

Electrical Generation

February 1, 2023

McDermott joins in on Greece-Africa interconnector project


February 1, 2023

‘We Found No Misuse Of US Funds In Ukraine’, US Treasury Says (With Straight Face) – long term energy price impact

ENB Pub Note

‘We Found No Misuse Of US Funds In Ukraine’, US Treasury Says (With Straight Face) – long term energy price impact

NATO CHIEF WANTS MILITARY TANKS TO HAVE SOLAR PANELS -“It takes a village to raze an idiot, and the green village is global” -Stu      

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Michael Tanner: [00:00:15] What is going on. Everybody, welcome into another edition of the Daily Energy News Beat State up here on this chilly Thursday, February 2nd, 2023. As always, I’m your humble, humble correspondent Michael Tanner, coming to you from an undisclosed location here in Dallas, Texas, joined by the executive producer of the show, the purveyor of the show and the director and publisher of the world’s greatest website,, Stuart Turley, my man, how we doing. [00:00:38][23.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:00:38] Today in Bear country? But I’m cold. That bear was not very nice to me when I curled up doing last night to warm up. [00:00:45][6.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:00:45] Nope, we are still iced over. We are recording this at about 615 on the first, so we are supposed to actually get some more freezing rain tonight. So hopefully as we wake up, all is clear. A quick programing note, guys. I will be gone tomorrow at a bachelor party. So I send all your thoughts and prayers with me. But I will be back Sunday night. [00:01:05][20.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:01:06] We may be recording a little late Sunday night’s due, so we’ll play it by ear there. So you’ll have to put up with Stu tomorrow. I’ll just pre apologize for it, but you guys will survive and we’ll kick this back off on Monday. We have a great show for everybody lined up. I mean, there’s just a lot of stories to get to. Stu. I don’t even know where we want to begin. [00:01:23][17.0]

Michael Tanner: [00:01:23] The first one we’ve got lined up. BP CEO Downplays Renewables Push As Return Lags. Translation Investors expect returns and renewables are not proper. This was a Wall Street Journal article that was absolutely great. Next we’ve got McDermott joins in on Greece Africa intercontinental pipeline project love to see good or excuse me electrical transportation via a two gigawatt electrical interconnector to Greece in Egypt. We absolutely love to see that. Finally, what happens when 4 million trees are cut down to make way for wind turbines? Answer Scotland’s littered by tons of toxic plastic shared by thousands of wind turbines. This is a story that we ran oh, four or five months ago on Newsbeat. There was it’s still our most most searched for story. Looks like we have an update to that and and let me tell you it’s definitely not good. [00:02:14][50.7]

Michael Tanner: [00:02:15] Next, NATO’s chief wants military tanks to have solar panels. As Stu says in the quote here, it takes a village to raise an idiot. And the Green Village is global. You’ve been good on titles do. I’ll give you that next step. We found no misuse of U.S. funds in Ukraine, says U.S. energy versus U.S. Treasury secretary with a straight face. I find that funny. I it’s going to be very interesting to see where all this Ukraine money and finally from our friend Terry ETIM, he wrote a column, an open letter to Californians, a high utility bill explanation and a path to a smarter energy future still will kick it over to me. [00:02:53][38.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:02:53] I will quickly cover finances. And we did have the 25 basis points increase that was confirmed today by US of Fed Chair Powell. He set the guidance for four and a half to 4.75 and said to expect future rate cuts. Markets did go crazy. The oil didn’t have a great day. Those are one point or 4.1 million barrel build in the crude oil reserves. That natural gas can just continue to be pounded. I am saw looking at natural gas prices do so will cover all of that in a bag of chips, guys. [00:03:19][25.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:03:19] But first this out online world’s greatest website killers use bitcoin dashboard that Energy, be best place for all of your oil and gas news we hard at work on V2 we officially have another software engineer working with us so we are super excited about all the developments. Check it out. Dashboard at Enough, the pleasantries those two. Where would you like to begin? [00:03:41][21.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:41] Let’s start in though, going around the world and California, since California is its own country. Let’s go to column an open letter to Californians, a high utility bill explanation and a path to a smarter energy future. Michael, this was written by Terry ETIM. He’s written a few books. He’s an author up there. Love Terry. He’s been on our podcast a bunch, and I really like him. He is funny. He says he loves Bugs Bunny, loves California, but it has one thing and he comes in here, goes Well, most of the time, maybe not this one or your leaders are handing out the energy file. [00:04:21][40.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:22] I think I’ll just sit here in the heart of natural gas country. In my count, my country is blessing. He’s sitting here and he says, You’re cutting out all your cattle, all your natural gas. And hey, Attorney General, I found your public interest. Where would you like me to start? On the top or the bottom? And it goes through here from the paper. So Council serves 21.8 million customers. More than 90% of them use natural gas for heating, cooking water and other sources. And now he’s trying to get rid of natural gas. [00:04:55][33.7]

Michael Tanner: [00:04:59] I mean. [00:04:59][0.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:00] We love dairy. Eat them. [00:05:01][1.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:05:02] We love them. His writing style is awesome. I’d highly recommend hitting the description below and clicking on this article. I mean, he points out again some very specific facts. I thought this was interesting that nearly one in ten. People in California that are served by SoCal Gas were 90 days or more behind in utility payments, which is pretty crazy because you you’re in Texas. I didn’t have auto pay. I don’t have auto pay on. I don’t like auto panel, even auto pay. I just I don’t know. I feel I would have going to pay my bills myself. [00:05:28][26.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:29] Yep. You want to hit the button? [00:05:30][0.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:05:30] You’re one day behind on your electric bill. You got an email that says you’re scheduled for disconnection 15 days. If you don’t. I mean, they get on you here in Texas. So that’s the difference between regulated and deregulated markets. Regulated market like so called gas. Oh, you probably not pay your bill for a year and they pretty much have to keep you plugged in here in Texas to cut you off in the middle of winter quickly. [00:05:51][20.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:52] Yeah. Yeah. They get the chainsaw. Cut your knees out. Yeah. [00:05:55][2.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:05:55] What’s next? [00:05:56][0.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:56] Okay, let’s go around the corner. Let me some teary eyed. I’m. He is running this one. We’re going to skip over to D.C., which is another country. It’s not even part of the U.S. anymore. We found this is a direct quote. We found no misuse of funds in Ukraine, says the US Treasury, with straight faced long term energy price impact. Michael, this is kind of disgusting. There is a you take a look at this. This ranking in here is what are the most corrupt countries in the world. Ukraine is right there in the middle of this bad. [00:06:32][36.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:33] And we’ve had a long history of bad corruption going in here. And our treasury says they accounted for every dollar that we’ve shipped over there. But how much came back through? FDX Billions. And we’re sitting here thinking that went to funding. This is a great article. Listen, let me read this. Michael said the Treasury would continue to work closely with the World Bank tracking U.S. distributions to confirm their use as intended, as well as Ukraine and other partners to tackle corruption. All righty then. [00:07:10][36.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:07:11] I do have to disclose that the Ukrainian national government is actually a sponsor of the show. They’re paying us a cool 25 million an episode. So that’s where some of the money’s going. Podcast sponsorships. [00:07:22][10.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:23] Right? Let me give them your Social Security number for that. [00:07:25][2.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:07:26] But I wish yeah, I mean, this is absolutely there’s quote We have no indication that U.S. funds have been misused in Ukraine, according to Treasury spokesman Megan Apple. The reason why they have the spokesperson come out and say that is so that none of the actual big wigs are on record saying that is when in two years we find out that half of this money, as you said, was funneled back into the United States or funneled into FDX or went straight into the pockets of somebody or, you know, defense contractors or whatever it there’s blood on nobody’s hands. [00:07:55][29.0]

Michael Tanner: [00:07:55] But this poor old spokeswoman, which is just now going to get crapped on because she they put they had a gun to her head. They just say there’s nothing to say. There’s no misuse of funds. She’s trembling at the thing. There was no misuse of funds. Just let my family go. [00:08:07][12.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:08] Right? Yeah. This quote in here, the score on the index, they got a 33 in the Ukraine. And on a scale of 0 to 100 where zero means highly corrupt in and 100 means very clean, Ukraine came in at 33. Let me just go real quick through these numbers. Russia 28. Ukraine’s more corrupt than Russia. Go figure that out. Yeah. Anyway, all right. I’m we’re going to track this next. Yeah, well, listen to that. [00:08:37][29.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:38] What’s next? Riddle me this. As we say, what happens when 14 million trees are cut down to make way for wind turbines? Answer Scotland is littered by tons of toxic plastics dredged by wind turbine blades. Michael Like you said, the original article went ballistic. It was on, but it almost took the server down. And and that was back last summer. And then so when you take a look at this new one, the new disaster is pretty bad. The Energy Minister, Michael Matheson, also admitted that no wind farm operators have been fined for failing to maintain their turbines. [00:09:23][44.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:24] There’s no scheme in place to manage microplastic pollution. Michael, I told you I’m looking at those numbers. And meantime, between failure and everything else I can find on wind turbines, it’s less than eight years. I mean, it’s less than nine years. We’re in that eight years instead of 30. This is a thing. It’s the blades are falling apart and pollution is going on. This is like with the story we ran with the whales dying all of a sudden is renewable. Is not that that ESG friendly? [00:09:54][30.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:09:55] Yeah, I mean, I could have told you very quickly that cutting down, you know, thousands of 14 million trees of wind farms is a bad idea. So, look, I don’t think it takes a genius. No. [00:10:06][10.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:07] But let me read this last quote. Otherwise, the responsibility for wind turbine maintenance. This may lie with private companies, but the S&P must monitor the state of Scotland’s terms sanctions companies that don’t apply with key. Otherwise, we end up with an environmental problem. Oh, yeah. Let me just go to the next one. Okay. Speaking of environmental problems, there is a religion out there and the religion has infected Naito. Michael, this next one. [00:10:43][36.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:10:43] This one’s good. [00:10:44][0.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:44] This is good. Naito Chief wants military tanks to have solar panels. My quote on that is, it takes a village to raise an idiot, and the green village is global. Holy smokes. On this article, there’s a picture of a solar panel on a tank. [00:11:02][17.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:02] That’s pretty much a joke. But if you go in arena Slob came up and she said it would. There are articles all over LinkedIn and Twitter. It would take a 168 panels to power a tank, and people said they could take it out with A, B, B, they could throw it. And Marines were out there saying they’d throw a blanket on it. [00:11:23][21.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:11:25] I just think NATO’s should do its part to look at how we can reduce emissions from military operations, said NATO’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg. We know that heavy battle tanks are fighter jets where naval ships consume a lot of fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases. [00:11:39][13.7]

Michael Tanner: [00:11:39] And therefore we have to look at how we can reduce those emissions by alternative fuels, solar panels or other ways of running our mission. I can’t wait til we have wind powered fighter jets. That’s exactly what I want. My F-16 powered by wind diesel that you can have a little person shoveling Poland on the back yard, two pilots, one pilot shoveling coal, the other one’s flying. [00:11:59][19.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:00] Did you see that tweet that I put out about that F-35 pilot with the wind turbine? It’s exactly what it was. It was the F-35 on a carrier deck and that wind turbine was up above it. And it’s all been up and everything. I just put that out on Twitter just a few minutes ago. So, yeah. [00:12:17][17.4]

Michael Tanner: [00:12:17] I mean, it’s it’s. [00:12:18][1.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:19] This religion is taken everything and thrown it out. Unbelievable. All right. Let’s roll to the Club Med. Michael, you and I love Club Med. Love it. Love Club Med. There’s a lot of stories around the Mediterranean and geopolitical stuff. This article, Michael, is titled McDermott Joins In on Greece Africa Intercom Connector Project. The map on this article really gives you a a good idea coming in from across Crete and then over into Athens. Physics matter. [00:13:00][40.3]

[00:13:01] You can tell me they creating energy, putting it into a pipe, if you will, at a pipeline or a conduit underneath the Mediterranean, and then popping up in Crete, bringing it then back over into the rest of Athens, Greece, and then on to Italy. You got to be kidding me this. Let’s go through some of these quotes in here, Michael. This is a memorandum of understanding of strategic importance, said Michael McElveen. I am proud to join forces with the is that you see your unique energy group on the Gap project. [00:13:37][36.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:13:40] Mean it to help build the future of energy. I mean, it’s pretty dumb. Electrical transmission lines at some point will be a thing but there’s too much dissipation across endpoint to endpoint to make any of this APS actually worthwhile. So I’m again, I’m with you, Stu. I don’t necessarily think this is a smart move. This is just, you know, this is just the one of the final final, in my opinion, ESG investments that will end up going south before they all shift around. [00:14:05][25.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:06] I couldn’t agree more. And then part of that’s that downside of this. [00:14:09][3.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:14:10] Is where do you put your money or you can’t put an LNG project, you will make your money back for 80 years at these prices. That’s the other thing you got to deal with there. You know those people running strip who maybe. [00:14:19][9.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:20] Yeah, but it goes down to a dollar 50 buy with both hands. Okay. But we don’t give it investment advice. [00:14:25][5.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:14:25] Okay. Oh you’ll be brokerage of mine. Yeah. Broke if you took our investment advice. [00:14:29][3.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:30] BP coming around the next corner on the next story. BP CEO blazed out Renewables push as returns lag. Translation Investors expect returns and renewables are not profitable. [00:14:43][13.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:14:46] And this was a great article, Stu. This was out of the Wall Street Journal. I’ll read you I’ll I’ll read a couple quotes. The top line quote is CEO of BP Bernard Looney plans to dial back elements of the oil giant’s high profile push into renewable energy. According to people familiar with recent discussions, Mr. Looney has said he is disappointed in the returns of some of the oil giant’s renewable investments and pledged pursue a narrow green energy strategy the people said he is to. [00:15:12][25.7]

Michael Tanner: [00:15:12] Some people close to the company that BP needs to do more to convince shareholders of its strategy to maximize profits in areas where it has a competitive advantage, including its legacy oil and gas operation, to maximize profits in an area where it has a competitive advantage. It’s almost like he learned that when he was getting his Stanford MBA, but he’s since forgotten that and is now to all of a sudden realized it has had like a come to Jesus moment of like, Oh wait, it all is about profits. [00:15:35][22.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:15:36] When he had this like five year escapade in the wind farm. In some of the conversations, Mr. Junior says he plans to place less emphasis on so-called ESG goals. A catch all term environmental, social and governance Help clarify that those are distracting the company from its ability to deliver profits. Yes, because you called British Petroleum. I mean, it could mean they’re literally called British Petroleum, yet they’re going to go invest in wind farms. [00:15:57][21.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:15:57] You’re right, Mr. Only the people said, is casting the moves as a modest short term course correction rather than a major strategic pivot for the whole of 14 your company. Yeah, that’s why he’s just couching that analysis. Some investors say pledged by BP away from fossil fuels and into renewable energy risk handicapping the company’s performance. Many companies are struggling to transition to new green technologies while relying heavily on traditional energy. Spokesman ABP spokesperson referred to previous public statements. [00:16:20][22.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:16:20] Of course they did that Mr. Romney said about BP have made a couple of strides, including its commitment to reducing its carbon emissions and shifting investments into green energy. Mr. Mooney declined to comment. He declined to comment through his spokesman, who of course, what is he going to do? Yeah, he’s going to say, Well, yeah, you caught me, you caught me. All these sources are right. You know what? We failed. We’re switch. You know, he’s like, they’re going to come out and say that, although they say he declined to comment. Well, I’m glad he did. [00:16:44][23.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:45] Not know all that long ago. We were talking about investor energy hypocrisy. And investors are saying, hey, in ESG investing, hypocrisy, people, we found out what losses people are willing to take. Energy number one sector last year. They are done with ESG investing in false ESG investing. And so I think that BP, Chevron, I was all about Chevron because they did not follow down that BP and Exxon, They were Chevron was taken with their oil. Oxy was getting into the carbon CC US and carbon capture and storage. They were getting into that, which is a whole new market. [00:17:33][48.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:17:34] Yeah, it’s a little bit closer aligned with the oil and gas business. The fact that we expect or, you know, a company that produces oil and gas to all of a sudden be the best wind farm company, that’s stupid. [00:17:43][9.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:17:45] Exactly. So I think Chevron, the leaders of Chevron and the leaders of Oxy were on the right track. I think BP is over there kind of going, I’m a dope. [00:17:55][10.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:17:55] I think he didn’t take that class at Stanford. They he must have skipped that day class. [00:17:59][3.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:17:59] Either that or he was raised in the same village as the Naito guy one on a solar panel on. [00:18:05][5.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:18:05] I think this is ridiculous. Do you got anything more Now? [00:18:09][4.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:18:09] I’m done. Maybe. Let’s go with finance. [00:18:11][1.5]

Michael Tanner: [00:18:12] I mean, there’s not much day. Unfortunately, there’s not much to cheer about on the overall market side. We did see a confirmation of US rate increases by 25 basis points, guidance set at four and a half to 4.75 percentage points. That was by Chairman Fed Chair Jerome Powell. He came out later today at about 1 p.m. with comments. [00:18:32][19.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:18:32] Basically, look, do expect us to do to move beyond five percentage points for U.S. federal funds rate. It’s kind of what people expected it. You did see the market increase a little bit. I think that was partly due to some earnings that came out on the back side that were very impressive. Facebook came out and beat and beat profit by 20%, which I think is a good marker considering they just laid off a bunch of people in for the reasons that they weren’t making any money. But a lot of what you see markets, you know, S&P 500 up one percentage point, NASDAQ up two percentage points. [00:19:00][28.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:19:01] That gap between S&P and Nasdaq, a lot of that is due with these Facebook earnings. They’ve been lagging over the past four months. Beat in revenue this quarter is actually really good for them. On the crude oil side, we just saw a really, really down day. Crude oil currently trading at 70/04. That was down about two and a half percentage points on the day we were trading at about 79/ 75 as the morning woke up. Part of the reason we saw a dip was a confirmation of a crude oil storage build. As we know, yesterday the API came out a predicted about a 6.8 million barrel built. [00:19:30][29.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:19:31] Well, the EIA printed this morning a 4.1 million barrel build. So a little bit less than the street expected, but still nonetheless, not a good sign as we look at where markets might go from here. I mean, everything is lining up on a bearish tone. I do think there are some demand side pull factors that might keep us above that 75 mark. But, you know, everything continues to just dance around in that bear market. [00:19:51][20.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:19:51] Natural gas continues to get absolutely pounded. We’re down to $2.52 right now, again, off the back of just extremely strong production numbers. I know we have had this cold front come in, but those long term weather models do not look good. We will see EIA storage print tomorrow where, as you’re listening to this on Thursday, our range of expectations somewhere between 130 Bcf and 155 Bcf draw. To give you an idea as to last year we had a 261 Bcf draw, so we’re expecting about half as much less and we’re producing much more natural gas. [00:20:21][29.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:20:21] So that is I mean, the fact that I didn’t necessarily put two and two together till it was too late again, you would have lost all your money. Taking my investment advice, I would have loaded up on natural gas options. We got a guy in the office loading up on options right now. Who that spicy loading up on? Some call up spicy. Buyer beware. Now you got you might get lucky. Freeport opens up you see a bounce up to four for who knows. But it’s a very interesting move. Not sure if I’m about it. Would you be buying natural gas futures? [00:20:50][29.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:20:51] A dollar 50 is my strikes. [00:20:53][1.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:20:54] Oh oh dollar 50? That’s not even oil. Oil gas coupons. Can’t you make money at a dollar 50? [00:20:59][5.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:20:59] Oh oh. Just the number that crayon I’m looking at. You take a look at demand. You take a look at this. That’s the number I’m coming up with. And I don’t like that. [00:21:12][12.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:21:12] If gas comes to be a dollar 50, we’re just going to skip the show and all we’re going to do is just play, play a small violin on the show. [00:21:19][7.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:21:21] Well Michael. That’s why we’re the EnergyNewsBeat we’re not reliant on one market, kind of like some of the other folks that are just oil and gas. [00:21:30][9.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:21:30] See, that’s now I can’t I can’t think of who you’re talking about. I can’t think of who you’re talking about. I’d have to you know, I wouldn’t want to name names, but you may have to enlighten us at some point. [00:21:41][10.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:21:42] Oh, yeah. [00:21:42][0.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:21:43] You know, Anything else still before we get ourselves in trouble? [00:21:47][4.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:21:48] Oh, no. The legal the firm is going to be calling us. You know, you’re in the HR department. I’m going to have. [00:21:54][6.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:21:54] Any lawsuits we get. I just throw it in the trash. It’s so hot. It could be getting sued by God knows how many people, and we wouldn’t even know that know. Yeah. That’s what happens when you when you hit legal up. So go ahead. Sue us. You know who you are. Sue us. [00:22:09][14.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:22:09] Yeah. All right, man. [00:22:11][1.0]

Michael Tanner: [00:22:11] Brian Cope with that, guys. We’ll let you get out of here, get back to work and start your day. Thank you for checking us out. World’s greatest podcast, The Daily EnergyNewsBeat. Stand up for Stuart Turley. I’m Michael Tanner. Stay safe out there, folks. [00:22:11][0.0]


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