G-20 Still Deadlocked as China Won’t Budge on Climate Goals

In Rome summit, topic of coal is also proving extremely tricky Russia, India also cited as wrangling over climate issues

Negotiations ahead of the Group of 20 summit in Rome dragged into Friday, stuck on energy and climate issues. Some countries singled out China, saying it is refusing to beef up commitments to limit temperature increases and digging in over coal, with Russia and India also dragging the chain.

The countries are set to commit to ending international funding for coal-fired power plants overseas during this weekend’s meeting but are struggling to agree on a date by when they’ll ditch supporting them at home, according to officials briefed on the talks.

The difficulties facing negotiators are underscored in a new version of the draft conclusions which dates from the end of Thursday night’s talks and was seen by Bloomberg News. The section on energy and climate has shrunk to less than one line, and remains “under discussion.” Officials briefed on the debate said the Chinese delegation was the main obstacle, but they had support from other countries including Russia and India. One G-20 diplomat said Russia and India were pushing back hard against the proposals on coal.