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Hypocrisy and ESG. The United States won the Gold in Bitcoin Mining! – Now using over 35.4% of the world’s power in search of money.

If anyone knows me, they know that I have a very competitive nature. Winning is extremely fun. That being said there is some irony when the world’s largest polluter shuts down the world’s worst Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing platform, and then United States takes the lead.  One question that sticks out is how … Continue reading “Hypocrisy and ESG. The United States won the Gold in Bitcoin Mining! – Now using over 35.4% of the world’s power in search of money.”

The post Hypocrisy and ESG. The United States won the Gold in Bitcoin Mining! – Now using over 35.4% of the world’s power in search of money. appeared first on King Operating Corporaton.

If anyone knows me, they know that I have a very competitive nature. Winning is extremely fun. That being said there is some irony when the world’s largest polluter shuts down the world’s worst Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing platform, and then United States takes the lead.  One question that sticks out is how … Continue reading “Hypocrisy and ESG. The United States won the Gold in Bitcoin Mining! – Now using over 35.4% of the world’s power in search of money.”

The post Hypocrisy and ESG. The United States won the Gold in Bitcoin Mining! – Now using over 35.4% of the world’s power in search of money. appeared first on King Operating Corporaton.

ESG, From the desk of Jay R. Young, Investing, Bitcoin, ChinaRead More

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