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“No Plan B, No Excess Capacity Anywhere”: Oil Industry Warns Of Looming Refining Crisis As “Dirty” China Grabs Market Share

"No Plan B, No Excess Capacity Anywhere": Oil Industry Warns Of Looming Refining Crisis As "Dirty" China Grabs Market Share Tyler Durden's Photo BY TYLER DURDEN


Over the past 3 years, we have often said that with the Biden administration’s unprecedented and bizarre belligerence toward the US E&P sector, where even Rabobank notes tongue-in-cheek that the Fed is purposefully selling oil to keep its price low and ensure Biden’s reelection…

With a largely-drained US Strategic Petroleum Reserve, if the Fed really are active in oil futures, as some whisper, they need to get busy again soon.

… it will be a miracle if any new refineries are built at all, and as a result of moribund capex spending, the cracking (no pun intended) US refining infrastructure will soon become the gating factor for gasoline production, even more so than access to oil.

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