Get your story in front of millions in the energy markets. David Blackmon, Rey Trevino, and Stu Turley are energy podcasters with great guests and phenomenal reach. With over 4 million news article impressions, over 1 million in downloads, and thousands of video hours watched each month, your CEO and Founders can get their story out.
Schedule your interview now for podcasts leading up to NAPE, Q4 Company Updates, New Energy Technology, and during NAPE itself. Media Kits are available.


Washington Journal

Stu Turley, David Blackmon, and Rey Trevino on Energy Policy and Their Podcast

Stu Turley, David Blackmon and Rey Trevino discussed energy policy and their podcast “Three Podcasters Walk Into A Bar.”

David Blackmon's Energy Absurdity 

The Sandstone Group is proud to support the David Blackmon's Energy Question podcast is a platform for people to voice their opinions in the energy markets from Left, Right, Wind, Solar, Oil and Gas. We need all forms of energy, but in the best way possible. 

Check out his Podcasts, and Website., and

Source: ABOB

The Crude Truth - With The Rey Trevino

The Sandstone Group is a sponsor of the Crude Truth. Rey Trevino has set a course to reach the truth in the oil patch.  Don't miss an episode with Rey.

Connect with Ray on his LinkedIn here: Ray Trevino

Check out

No one is safe from jokes, especially us! RT Trevino, E&P owner, David Blackmon, Forbes Author, and Stu Turley, Well, we are not sure what he does, but all have a blast kicking energy around.

Black Mountain Oil & Gas released their 10 Energy Influencers. Quite a list of energy thought leaders. We would like to give them a shout out for mentioning 4 of the Sandstone Group Podcasters in thier list. Learn more at their website: