EU cracks down on Russian LNG shipments

LNG shipments

Cracking down on LNG shipments as well as around a dozen of the so-called shadow tanker fleet form elements of the 14th package of sanctions against Russia that the European Union is introducing.

The new package targets Russia’s shadow fleet of tankers, and transhipments of liquefied natural gas to third countries.

The measures will now need to be formally adopted by member states before they enter into force.

With the leaders of G7 nations meeting in Italy last week, a further coordinated series of sanctions against Russia have been making headlines with plenty linked to shipping.

Nearly 850 days since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the UK last week announced 50 new sanctions designations. New targets include ships in Putin’s shadow fleet, Russian LNG companies, a shipmanager and Ingosstrakh, a top name in Russian insurance.

Also last week, the Office of Foreign Assets Control in the US announced its own new wave of Russia sanctions which also took aim at entities involved in Russia’s LNG industry.


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