AOC’s Climate Crisis Doc Tanks at Box Office

Climate Crisis

The movie’s official trailer from YouTube


From the description on YouTube

Filmed over four years of hope and crisis, TO THE END captures the emergence of a new generation of leaders and the movement behind the most sweeping climate change legislation in U.S. history. Award-winning director Rachel Lears (Knock Down The House) follows four exceptional young women— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, activist Varshini Prakash, climate policy writer Rhiana Gunn-Wright, and political strategist Alexandra Rojas— as they grapple with new challenges of leadership and power and work together to defend their generation’s right to a future.

To The End opened on Friday December 9th. Here are the weekend gross receipts from Box Office Mojo

Click to enlarge

Less than $10,000 from 120 theaters. That may be a record low.

I checked two theaters near me. One had four showings/day the other five.

Assuming a similar number of showings per day nationwide, this would mean, on Saturday and Sunday, less than one person per showing, and at best, one audience per showing on Friday, if we assume a minimum ticket price of eight dollars.

Since most people don’t go the movies alone, that’s a lot of showings with zero people in the audience, likely more than 50%.

On Rotten Tomatoes, as expected, the film received a high critics’ score of 83%. Continuing the trend of divergence between audiences and critics, out of the more than 100 audience ratings there was not a single viewer review above the minimum of one star.

Audiences are apparently just stupid. After all it is an award winning film.





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