Dear Neighbour, Please “Roster Ration” Your Electricity Use so our EVs can Charge

Essay by Eric Worrall

Sydney radio station 2GB has reported a hilarious request from an Electric Vehicle owners group for neighbours to ration their use of electricity, so their EVs can charge.

Dear Neighbour EV Letter. Source 2GB, Fair Use, Low Resolution Image to Identify the Subject

I’m guessing the EV owners invested in fast chargers, only to discover the local grid is already maxed out, leading to a shortage of spare electricity for their expensive virtue signalling props.

From the text it doesn’t look like anyone other than EV owners got invited to the meeting which produced this communique. Perhaps they see themselves as the green moral executive of their street.

I leave it to readers to suggest an appropriate response to such a letter. Please ration your use of swearwords.


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