ENB #164 Congressman Zach Nun IA-03 Stops By to talk about the border security with military age men crossing, and calls for bipartisan support for solutions

I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Congressman Nunn. And we covered all of my hot buttons. Everything from the military-age men invading the border to the FBI director saying there are lots of warning lights of potential terror attacks, our horrific US dept, and what he sees as solutions. I applaud Congressman Nunn for serving our country in the military and pray for him to help bring sanity to our government. We cannot have an open border, print money, and a two-party judicial system.

Please reach out to Zach and give him feedback on our interview. I hope to have him back for a longer town hall and get more ideas and solutions moving. We need more great men leading the charge to save our country.

Thank you Congressman Nunn for stopping by the podcast, and talk soon – Stu




1:19 – Congressman Zach Nunn discusses the RC-135’s role in Air Force reconnaissance, sharing experiences in Afghanistan and commanding a unit off Russia’s coast to deter fighter aircraft.

2:22 – Reflects on 20 years of military service, addressing unintended support for illicit oil sales, and discusses his role in evacuating people from Afghanistan, emphasizing dual commitments as a Congressman.

4:23 – Discusses the Adam Lambert Act for veteran suicide prevention, expresses concern about U.S. energy policies, advocating for domestic energy independence and criticizing reliance on foreign sources.

7:15 – Addresses challenges in U.S. energy policies, criticizes reliance on foreign sources, and emphasizes the need for energy independence, expressing frustrations with the evacuation of Afghan allies.

12:28 – Concern about military-age men crossing the southern border, emphasizing the security threat and advocating for bipartisan action, referencing legislation passed.

16:16 – Expresses gratitude, encourages civic engagement, emphasizes holding elected officials accountable, and advocates for constructive conversations to find solutions.

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Stuart Turley [00:00:03] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Meet podcast. My name’s Stu Turley, president CEO of the Sandstone Group. I’ve got a gigantic treat for you today on today’s podcast. I’ll tell you what, are you a little bit concerned about what’s going on in our Congress today? I happen to have an unbelievable American sitting in front of me right now. We have Congressman Zach Nunn from the Iowa third Congressional District. He is a battlefield tested guy from the Air Force. We are going to cover not only the Afghan Adjustment Act. He is with the Country Caucus. And he and I have been chit chatting about some great topics. Thank you so much, Representative Nunn, for stopping mine.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:00:52] Hey, Stu, I am privileged to get to do it. You have a great group of listeners. It’s an educated group of individuals who are passionate about the future of our country. This is exactly the type of folks I want to be talking and learning from as we march forward on this. So thank you.

Stuart Turley [00:01:05] Oh, I’ll tell you what, I just really enjoyed what we were talking about. And you’ve got an airplane sitting on your desk for our podcast listeners. He’s got an actually a good looking airplane and you don’t look okay. What is that, sir?

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:01:19] Well, so it’s an old Boeing 707 airframe. The last one was built in 64. But the Air Force, God bless us, we’re still flying it. It’s called a RC 135. Different from the KC, which is the tanker is the reconnaissance version. The short of it is you fly over enemy airspace with about 28 Airborne linguists, enlisted guys who will listen in from everything from Farsi to Pashtu to Arabic to Russian, and really identify what’s happening on the ground. We are locating it and then we are directing the strikes. We did two tours in Afghanistan with the another in Iraq, and then I commanded the unit off the coast of Russia that was there to help not only identify what the Russians were doing, but really deter their fighter aircraft.

Stuart Turley [00:02:02] So, holy smokes, Batman, That is just cool. I just finished a podcast with George Macmillan and we spent two hour just covering absolutely geopolitical energy and having you as an expert in the political arena. And we need you in Congress right now.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:02:22] Well, I appreciate that. And, you know, one of the things in my 20 years, I’m still serving on the reserve side now, I have flown more combat missions over the Persian Gulf that I care to remember. And we provide a canopy of freedom for energy coming out of the Middle East, which is important. But now we continue to provide a canopy of access for countries like Iran to be able to sell oil illicitly. You notice that none of the ships that have been fired on so far from the rebels are Iranian ships. They’re all Israeli or U.S. allied ships. And then we also were part of the final action group that helped evacuate folks from Afghanistan when the US government turned their back on it. So that’s kind of what drew me to be a member of Congress and serve, but it’s one of the reasons that I continue to stay in uniform and have this primary job as being a military member. I’ve got a side hustle where I happen to be in Congress.

Stuart Turley [00:03:18] What a great way to say that. My dad retired as chief of staff of the eighth Air Force and we were talking about my dad flew Air Force B-52 Seven’s B-52 Seven’s B-52s, F1F, B, one Elevens, and about 19 other. He was a fly and son of a gun, just like you. So militarily, thank.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:03:40] You for your family’s service. And then as we highlighted the B-52 and, you know, if war were the workhorse of Vietnam, a lot of good men served. Unfortunately, they did not make it back. So a salute to you as both as a kid in the family legacy. That’s incredible.

Stuart Turley [00:03:55] You know, that was terrible. I can only imagine what your family has been through as a in the families matter. And we sit back I remember watching Kerry testify in Congress and wondering if my dad’s going to come back or not. I really don’t appreciate that kind of I can’t even think of another word other than traitors. But let’s get on to some Moran brothers. I’m sorry for this.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:04:23] I will quickly say you’re absolutely right. And your listeners, we just passed out of our Veterans Affairs, the Adam Lambert Act, which was my bill we led. It helps veterans prevent veterans suicide. It’s one thing to lose a combat veteran overseas. It’s another thing when they come home and they feel like they’ve got nowhere to turn. So this is a great way to be able to help any veteran who’s listening but really drive down that veteran suicide. So thank you for being some of the inspiration behind us.

Stuart Turley [00:04:50] Oh, thank. Oh, wow. That is so cool. If you’re in the energy and foreign policy, you’re right in your wheelhouse. How does that happen?

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:05:03] Well, you know, I think any time that you look at a country as great as the United States and we recognize that America has not only enough domestic energy to support our own needs, we have enough to be an energy broker for the entire world, in fact, a safeguard for countries who need it. I hate to see allies in Germany feel like they have to turn first to Russia to be able to be successful. I hate that the United States has, you know, self capitulated over this idea of a Green New Deal that we’re more likely to buy a car with a battery made from Chinese slave labor, mined out of a child, led mine for cobalt in Africa, then be able to use the energy that’s right here in places like your home state of Oklahoma, coming straight out of the ground in my home state in Iowa with biofuels that every other road corn we’re growing is going to help sustainable aviation or keep our truckers on the road.

Stuart Turley [00:06:00] Well, you know, we sit back and we think. I’ve got about 97 things going through my head on what I want to ask you here. But when we sit back and take a look and it’s kind of frustrating because what we’re seeing is not only the renewables, there’s 24,000 renewable permits waiting. And you take a look at New York’s energy costs in California is double. Texas is half an hour. In Texas, there’s wind, solar, coal and all wind, all the above. All the above in their half now. Yeah. Chowder head. Kerry said the other day that we’re getting rid of all of our coal plants, which is 20% of our baseload electricity. Right? And then the EPA released out all of these regulations. And in the EPA and all the other regulatory under the current administration are doing legislation through regulations right now in the world represent them. None. Can we really get this done?

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:07:15] Yeah. I mean, first and foremost, do you should be asking John Kerry where he’s going to plug in his electric hybrid if there’s no coal plant left in America? Because God bless them for providing the majority of electricity to our grid. We’ve already tried this experiment with nuclear energy. And when we started decommissioning these plants, we move far more to foreign sources of energy, right? Ones that have fueled the rise of anti Semitism, ones that are a direct threat to the United States, whether it’s Russia in Eastern Europe or China and Taiwan, but specifically it’s funded directly. We saw just since the start of the Biden administration, the amount of oil sales go up for Iran by $80 billion. Now, that’s a four year that’s a 400% increase just in his first two and a half years. As a result, we see Houthi rebels firing on U.S. destroyers. We see Hezbollah launching it elements with it US forces in the Middle East. And we see Hamas do just a truly horrific and barbaric attack against our allies in Israel. It’s one of the reasons I was proud to co-sponsor the Ship Act, which basically made sure that Iran did not find safe harbor for their ghost fleet of illegally flagged Iranian fuel tankers. It’s also one of the reasons that I’ve sanctioned Iran’s billions of dollars that they have acquired and illicit oil sales all over the world that they now funnel back under humanitarian purposes that end up in terrorist training camps. So these are the key things we need to be able to address. Again, America can be a great exporter of energy for the world and with that comes a lot of influence and not only helps producers here in America be successful, but it provides stability, some of our best allies in the region to do what they need to do. So they’re not dependent on, you know, guys coming out of Tehran and Moscow to be successful for their energy this winter.

Stuart Turley [00:09:12] You know, as as you are giving so many people air cover with your reconnaissance. I would I am so thrilled to give you air cover with all of our listeners and everyone else. We want to make sure that we get any story that you want out there. But let’s also take a look at where we’re going coming up into 2024, because it’s going to be critical. What are some of the things that you’re hearing up on the Hill? We have the new speaker. Things seem to be going a little bit better. What are you seeing in for coming up between now and the end of the year and then 2024? Because it’s going to be a zoo.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:09:52] Yes. Well, you know, in my home state of Iowa, we get a front row seat to the vision of what the Republican Party is going to do, because we have every presidential contender coming out and they spend time at a Pizza ranch and a gas station pub and a church rectory talking to us about these issues. And here’s the thing I hear consistently from Iowans who are really the first interview for the future commander in chief. The things that impact them are the price of energy writ large. I mean, the amount of energy that we’re spending just to heat our homes, to be able to go to the grocery store. Now, I’m proud to say in Iowa, we have worked hard on domestic energy. At the pump, we’re down to, I think, less than 270 a gallon. So sorry, friends in California and New York. I think us here in the heartland are doing it the right way. But I want to make sure that D.C. doesn’t destroy that right. I want to make sure that we continue to march with keeping our spending in check. And the other items that are a national security issue are making sure that we can secure our southern border. And thank you, friends, that are coming from that to the tune of millions of people coming here with no bearing whatsoever. And so this is what makes me so frustrated. I’m helping lead this Afghan adjustment Act with the four country caucus. Afghans who serve with the U.S. military. In the case we dealt with was a man who did ten combat tours as our interpreter on the ground in Afghanistan. He was promised evacuation, and when the US pulled out, his family got left behind. Now, a volunteer group of veterans from all over the world, we got on signal. We got on encrypted devices and we were able to acquire. I mean, as an Air Force guy here. My first thought is, let’s get some aircraft. Let’s get these people to safety. We managed to get the Afghan airline to contract with us. We did it through all voluntary dollars, all donors. And a group of volunteer veterans. We got 3000 pre-approved Americans and Afghans out who the US Biden administration left behind. And it wasn’t out of Kabul. They had to trek eight hours north to Mazar e Sharif. And now they’ve been vetted. They’re here in the United States. And I’m going to tell you, they are some of the best Americans that you’re ever going to meet. My interpreters now, I’m very proud to say he’s a U.S. citizen. His family is in school with us and they’re taking care of folks right here in Des Moines, Iowa. That’s the way to do it. Let those people who have worked, who have earned who have served with us, get through the process successfully. Stop the millions of people coming here illegally who end up being takers from the system rather than contributors.

Stuart Turley [00:12:28] You know, I’m about to cry. I mean, this is what we need. I’m like, I’m getting all fired up. Yes. Over the weekend. I’m sorry. I’m getting all worked up. I could be a good man for you. Right behind you. Just getting all sweated up and, you know, worked up in some of these meetings. Just turn me loose on the day. Hey, I.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:12:49] Have been supporting fire.

Stuart Turley [00:12:52] For now. I was watching all the video and you as a strong military man, I could tell how you would stand casually of the thousands of guys that were coming across the border this weekend. I watched the Chinese nationals stand there like military men. Those are military age men. They are standing at dress at a standing at a dress. Ready? Thank you. And I’m sick with the haircut.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:13:24] We’re ready to execute. Right.

Stuart Turley [00:13:25] And I guarantee you there’s military action in. I’m sitting here for my podcast listeners. I’ve got my eye. You know, my I’ve got a pen and I’m waving it around. And representative known as having to dodge the pen.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:13:39] Is due to the southern border right now.

Stuart Turley [00:13:42] I’m sorry. I could single handedly stop the flow. This is absolutely driving me nuts, sir. This is this is not right. These are military age men, and they act military.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:13:56] That’s right. And here here’s, I think, our collective concern as a country. Right. We have seen are basically what happened at the southern border in Israel when a group of people were mobilized, incentivized and invigorated to go in with the belief that there would be very little consequence to the Israeli government’s huge credit. They have gone for it. They’ve helped save hostages, but they’re also destroying the apparatus that made Hamas successful. The United States has a responsibility in this to not just to Israel, but to be able to combat terrorism in the tours that I have done. It’s to make sure it didn’t end up in the homeland after 20 years of service. The last thing I want to see is the guys that we had to fight overseas, showing up as the guys that crossed the southern border into the United States. And so when what we call this military age male who shows up with a hostile intent, no other purpose than to come across the border to do harm to the United States. This should be ringing, ringing klaxon alarms all over the country that we need to take action. We the second bill that we passed after making sure energy independence, H.R. one was passed through the House was H.R. two, and that was to secure our southern border. Every time I’m on one of these calls to the first ask has to be the administration and the sitting has to come alongside us. We’ve laid out a great roadmap to be successful in this place. But we need this is a two party system here. We need our allies on the other side to recognize this is a real threat. They’re starting to sober up. They’re showing up in New York every time I fly through the Chicago airport all the way back to Iowa. I see the migrant masses who have been abandoned at O’Hare Airport. These are things that we need to address. And these are big cities. You know this all too well. Every little county on the southern border has now become a deposit zone for folks who are looking for either a way in or have been sponsored by somebody else, whether it’s the cartels, whether it’s elements within the Chinese government or worse, whether it’s a terrorist associated element overseas trying to find a pathway in. And they’re going to end up hiding in plain sight with these migrants who find themselves at the southern border.

Stuart Turley [00:16:11] Well, you know, I know you’ve got about two more minutes before you’ve got to run to your next meeting. And I am or maybe have one minute. And I am so, so appreciative of you. This podcast is going to roll out as soon as possible, and I guarantee you that Representative Ogles, we’re going to keep track because I know this one’s going to go just even further than his did. So thank you very much for your service and we’re going to have a lot of fun getting this out. Thank you for the.

Congressman Zach Nunn [00:16:38] Privilege, brother. Hey, and honestly, keep up the fight. I think the thing that every American can do is fight to save their country. And it means being engaged, being involved not just in podcasts like this, but making sure that we’re holding our elected officials accountable and then recognizing when good things happen. Champion That, too. Let’s work towards solutions. Last time on Sunday morning, talk shows more time and have a real conversation with people to get work done. I appreciate your work.

Stuart Turley [00:17:03] Thank you. I’ll see you soon because I can’t wait to talk to you again. Thank you.

About Stu Turley 3361 Articles
Stuart Turley is President and CEO of Sandstone Group, a top energy data, and finance consultancy working with companies all throughout the energy value chain. Sandstone helps both small and large-cap energy companies to develop customized applications and manage data workflows/integration throughout the entire business. With experience implementing enterprise networks, supercomputers, and cellular tower solutions, Sandstone has become a trusted source and advisor.   He is also the Executive Publisher of www.energynewsbeat.com, the best source for 24/7 energy news coverage, and is the Co-Host of the energy news video and Podcast Energy News Beat. Energy should be used to elevate humanity out of poverty. Let's use all forms of energy with the least impact on the environment while being sustainable without printing money. Stu is also a co-host on the 3 Podcasters Walk into A Bar podcast with David Blackmon, and Rey Trevino. Stuart is guided by over 30 years of business management experience, having successfully built and help sell multiple small and medium businesses while consulting for numerous Fortune 500 companies. He holds a B.A in Business Administration from Oklahoma State and an MBA from Oklahoma City University.