ENB #210 Protecting the Energy Future with Former Congressman Trent Franks

Americans are facing the most important election in our country’s great history. We can not sit on the sidelines and think someone else will fix our country’s problems. Yoda said, “Do or Not, there is no try.” – I say vote as your kids and grandkids’ lives depend on it.

In the past, we have lost faith in our elected officials and mainstream media and have started interviewing politicians for several reasons. First, I need to understand their platforms, and second, I want to get their stories out to our huge subscriber and reader base. Some of my political interviews have been with Congressman Andy Ogles, Victoria Spartz, Floyd Trujillo, and Zach Nun. I just recently met with Senator Ted Cruz at an Americans for Prosperity energy event in Dallas. A shout-out to Genevieve Collins for all of her hard work for Texas and the US.

My discussion today with Trent Franks solidified my opinion that we have some good political people in office, and we have to be really careful about who we elect in this next election.

I will be 100% honest with you: Trent has the background and knowledge to be a critical member of our elected officials. His expertise and past track records are exactly what we need in support of the next president. Trump will be elected, and he needs to choose his team wisely. Great men like Senator Cruz, General Flynn, and Trent will be needed to keep our country alive.

Please go to https://trentfranks.com/, sign up for his updates, and donate. Thank you, Congressman Franks, for stopping by the podcast. I want to do several live updates in the next few weeks with other folks like General Flynn, Senator Cruz, and others to discuss energy security. – Stu


Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

01:44 – Welcoming Trent Franks

02:17 – Energy Crisis and Government Intervention

03:36 – Physics, Fiscal Responsibility, and Energy

04:35 – Innovation and Deregulation Success

06:05 – Support for Senator Ted Cruz

07:14 – Support for Israel and Missile Defense

09:22 – Energy Independence and US Challenges

11:23 – Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and LNG

13:07 – Issues with Electrification and the Gri

14:16 – Donation and Contact Information

15:07 – Faith and Politics

16:07 – General Flynn and the Trump Administration

17:45 – Critical Infrastructure Protection Act

19:17 – Final Thoughts and Call to Action




Automated Transcript: We disavow any errors unless it makes us sound smarter or look better:

Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:00:07] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat podcast. My name’s Stu Turley, president and the Sandstone Group. And I tell you what, we are in an energy crisis that is self-imposed by horrible policies. Your vote this November matters. We need to elect people that understand energy, the energy crisis and what causes those Crisises today, I have absolutely one of the greatest pleasures that I get to do. I get to go visit with different world leaders, energy leaders and politicians, and I get to visit with Trent Franks. He is the co-founder and chairman, and he’s a former congressman and he is running again. So sit back, put your tray table up, and enjoy my conversation with Congressman Trent Franks. This is really cool. He’s got a lot of talent. He’s got a lot of experience under his belt. And we need men that will support President Trump. We need those who will support General Flint out there and those who will support folks like our great Senator Ted Cruz. We need all of these really strong political leaders to get our energy where it needs to be going, and that is the lowest it possibly can in the lowest kilowatt per hour to everyone on the planet. So sit back and enjoy the podcast, and I look forward to hearing from you on this one. Thanks.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:01:43] Thank you for stopping by the podcast, Trent.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:01:46] Well, you can’t imagine how honored I am just to be here. You come highly recommended, Stu.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:01:52] Well thank you. We have to give Joe a shout out our our.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:01:55] Absolutely.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:01:56] Our friend. He is a top notch guy. I just absolutely love him. And you and I have a few acquaintances and everything else around there. But tell us about you and Liberty and what you’ve got going on in your background. Because we have an energy crisis going on around the world right now and know.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:02:16] We need.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:02:16] People with solutions.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:02:18] We really do. And I have to say to, you know, in politics these days, it’s kind of hard to be an oil guy. But the truth is that about 82% of our world’s energy needs for machine energy come from petroleum. And I’m all for alternatives. Stu, I want you to know that I think the market can bring us new technologies and new ways of doing things. And I say, bring it on. But when the government tries to be the one that puts its thumb on the market, it always messes it up. Invariably, nuclear energy is the only one right now that we have on the horizon that has a chance of being able to replace, just in terms of the physics of it all, oil and gas. And I think that that will be an eventuality. The problem is the same people that, you know, hate the fossil fuels, they call it also hate nuclear energy. And they would have us, unfortunately, in the dark ages without lights. And I will tell you, we’re getting greener. We’re going to go completely black. And the reality is that it’s going to take a certain effort on the part of all of us to be able to create, to find the energy sources necessary to drive this economy necessary to maintain us as the world leader, economically and otherwise. And I just pray that we do so based on reality and not some sort of left wing lunatic fantasy.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:03:36] Physics and fiscal responsibility matter to the grid.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:03:40] Well, they do, Albert Einstein said, you know, the ethical axioms are found and tested, not so different in scientific axiom. That which stands the test of experience or experiment is the truth. Reality prevails in both arenas.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:03:53] And it usually catches up to us now.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:03:55] It always does.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:03:57] You know, and I have to admit, my my granddad was one of the key folks that discovered, in fact, the one of the main guys that discovered the North Slope in Alaska.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:04:07] Yep.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:04:07] Yep. And my first memory is on a dairy farm. And so I come from the farmer oil, this kind of thing. And oil hands are van tastic. They’re the cowboys. They keep the lights on. When you look at how much a clean electricity is generated is by natural gas and oil, you can’t make an iPhone out of a windmill.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:04:36] No, no you can’t. And I mean, we, as always, have been the innovators of the world. Even our Constitution has that patent, a construct, you know, for people to make money in a special way to incentivize their ideas and new inventions. And it has been a stunning thing, you know, look, I always get tickled, you know, when the when the telephone was invented, eventually government got control of that and we had more bell and long distance was $3 a minute and. You know, the operator got snotty with you every time you ask her what time it was. And so it was just a very difficult challenge. But then someone came along and people like me, I was the youngest person in the state legislature here at the time when I was I ran when I was 26, which has been more than a decade ago, more than a decade ago. And, and we voted to deregulate the telephony. And all of a sudden there was this burst of incredible energy in the entrepreneurial spirit. And we came up with cell phones, and I saw a homeless person carrying a cell phone the other day. And long distance is too cheap to measure now. So the point is, and you can look up the Library of Congress on that thing. So the, the the enormous leap forward when we turn the American people’s ingenuity capability loose is just stunning. And I wish we didn’t have to keep learning that lesson over and over again. And the failure of socialism over and over again.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:06:04] You know, I had the pleasure of visiting with Senator Cruz a couple of weeks ago, and he’s coming back on my podcast and working with his staff to try to get them rolling in. And I love the way that he would phrase, when Texas has its energy independence, so does the US. I mean, he is a sharp, sharp man and I just really respect your opinions and his as well.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:06:32] Well, let me tell you my opinion of Ted Cruz. It couldn’t be higher. I think he is a great man. I think it’s vital for America that he be reelected as a U.S. senator. He’s not only brilliant, but he’s got a heart. He’s got you know, he and I share a common faith, and I just think that he is the kind of senator that we would all dream of having. And I cannot express to you enough how I had the chance to work with him on a number of occasions. I served, I don’t know how many years in Congress with him, but a long time, I think. I think I got there before he did. So we we were there together a long time, and I just, again, without trying to sound like a sink, a fan or something like that. I just think he is the greatest.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:07:13] I loved the Senator Cruz. His response by getting trolled by all the folks, the anti-Israel folks, he’s getting trolled and he’s standing up for our allies. And as a member of Congress, you know, if I you need to be reelected, sir, we need you in Congress. How do we get there?


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:07:35] Well, I appreciate that. And speaking of Israel, you know, I had the privilege of being the chairman of the Israel Caucus and also the chairman of the Missile Defense Caucus. And those two things came together on behalf of Israel in a significant way, and we were able to take a lot of support in the Congress for Israel and the kind of the interconnection between our military capability and theirs, and what people don’t realize in our support for the military of Israel and and the inner workings that we have with our own defense capability. Israel has done more for America than we’ve done for them. I was a big supporter, worked very hard, took the budget hostage, wants to make sure that this this funding of missile defense occurred. And Israel, when they really advanced their Iron Dome system, they demonstrated I was chairman of the Missile Defense Caucus, and they demonstrated this so effectively that the membership of that caucus went from 17 to 36 overnight when they demonstrated the capability of Iron Dome. And it really gave the world a picture of why it’s important to be able to stop missiles. And it’s especially important when they’re not Garand or Katyusha rockets. When they’re incoming ICBMs. It may have 100 electron warhead on board that that changes things, because I will say to you, and I don’t mean to say it in a in a flippant way, but 100 kiloton warhead landing in your backyard and detonating can ruin your whole day. And it is. It is something that we need to pay attention to. So I just think that if we fail Israel, we not only fail ourselves, not only fail are valid and valiant allies. Really, that word I should have said. But we fail ourselves. We fail future generations. And I think that the idea that the Biden administration has stepped back and and tepidly supported Israel is a disgrace beyond my ability to articulate.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:09:21] You know, we need more upstanding non rhinos in Congress. I am I’m going to be honest, I’m frustrated with all of Congress. There are there are those like Senator Cruz I am and Congressman Ogles and several others that I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing and following. And I get excited. I want to hug you. I’m sorry. We’re even we’re doing this via zoom, but next time we can do this live. Yes, sir. I am excited that you’re taking this going forward because you’re chairman on a big company. You’ve got how many thousands of acres under lease?


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:10:03] Well, we got a lot of acreage. But, you know, I would say fortunately. In four. Unfortunately, it’s in Australia. I wish it could be here in America, but unfortunately we have made drilling in America so difficult. America has some of the largest natural gas reserves in the world. We could be completely energy independent. Gasoline at the pump would be a third of what it is now. And we could have an economic boon of unimaginable a dimension. And yet, because we don’t do what’s necessary to be able to to not only expose but to use our own energy supplies, we are dependent on countries, in some case, that hate us for our energy supply, and it’s just not necessary. I mean, there are so many clean and effective ways to to gain our energy. I literally believe that we have more pollution issues because we import so much of our oil, because of all the mechanism we have to do to do that. And we if we do it in here, we we absolutely reduce pollution and everything else. And, and there’s very few things that are less polluting now than clean natural gas. I mean, if we were running running our cars on CNG, a compressed natural gas, it would be in terms of physics and in terms of the pollution, in terms of the economy, everything. It would be a magnificent boon, safety, a magnificent boon to America.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:11:22] I where did where did we go wrong? Because CNG cars were starting to come along and we have the Marcellus up there with Nick Nolte, Dulles up. He’s the CEO of K’Nex. And they’ve I mean, we have the Haynesville. We’re exporting LNG everywhere. Oh, then the Bidens put the, you know, the ban on on LNG and a tanker of LNG is less CO2 output than burning coal in Asia. So let’s sell our great LNG around the world.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:12:00] No doubt about it. I mean a CNG, not just for the not to get too esoteric, but you know, the the audience may not know CNG is compressed natural gas, LNG is natural gas. And LNG has to be genetically condensed and put on ships to be able to to move it around because it’s very, very cold. And but the CNG, in terms of it being able to be for, for regular for cars is a little different, a little more difficult with the big trucks, but we’re getting that dialed in as well. And if we let that technology go forward, it puts out about 5% of the pollution of a gasoline powered car. If it is calibrated just for the CNG and not being a hybrid.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:12:40] And Congressman Franks, thank you for pointing that out. And the cool thing I love about it is you can take the diesel technology and the engines and that technology and car engines can work in tandem. So we have a energy transition that actually works, as opposed to forcing us to electrification of cars and forcing the system down.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:13:06] Well, you’re actually right. You know, they tell us we have to turn down our thermostat a degree in the summertime, but then they want us to power the entire transportation system with the electric grid. And if people understand again, physics, the difference there of if we have to put our entire transit up to about 80% of our oil and gas needs go to transportation. It is an enormous mechanism that requires profound amounts of energy and to try to put that on the grid right now. Preposterous is a word that comes to my mind.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:13:37] I you know, you’re a breath of fresh air, sir, and I just am really, really excited. How do people donate and how do people get, get Ahold of you and and try to find out where you are going.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:13:51] Well, I mean, the fastest way just to go. It’s a real complicated website. Trent french.com. If they can go to Trent franks.com, they they’ll find enough to convict me or exonerate me. One of the two and they, they’ll find everything that they need depending on what their persuasion is. I was, you know, rated most conservative member of Congress, which is not an easy thing to do. I don’t say that out of arrogance. I say that because, you know, sometimes we we have to be very direct and open. You know, our faith informs our politics. Some people say you can’t mix the two. I’m suggesting in many ways you can’t extricate the two, because what we believe about our fellow human beings, if they’re just intelligent animals and it’s just all a summary, a night of the survival of the fittest and that, you know, the is prevailing over humanity, then. Then we take a different view of socialism, a different view of almost every issue. But if we believe our fellow human beings are created of God, and there are brothers and sisters, and that we have a profound eternal purpose and destiny, then all of a sudden we have a little different attitude toward each other, and our entire policy toward one another is transformed. And I’m just convinced that, you know, that that drives the underlying tectonic plates of the political reality that. We have.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:15:07] You know, with your experience with the Iron Dome, precursor of the Iron Dome, the the group and the missile group, what did you call that?


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:15:17] That was the missile defense caucus. Yes, sir.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:15:20] And and then you take a look at our great folks like General Flynn. I’m. Yeah. I have a feeling General Flynn will be in some form of the Trump White white House coalition there. And I’m. I would love to see him. Is either vice president or secretary of defense or anything that we need. That man is a great man and he.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:15:43] He is a great man. I don’t mean to to to spout all of these positive little emanations, because I just said all the things about Ted Cruz, which I believed in every syllable. But I will also tell you that General Flynn is a personal friend. He is a great conservative patriot. He’s committed to this country. He would die for this country. He put himself at risk for this country. He did. You know. And so I just have to tell you that I once again believe he’s a great person. And I completely agree with you. He should be part of the incoming Trump administration, which I predict is going to happen. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Biden. I don’t know whether he’s going to be their nominee or not. It’s just becoming difficult because if the Democrats have any intellect at all, they’re going to realize that he is probably going to lead them to ignominious defeat. And my fear is if we’re not careful as Republicans, we’re just going to keep pounding on that, and we’re going to figure out a way to get them to do the the bait and switch at the last minute and God knows what they will get. But whoever that person is, if they replace Biden, right, they will be heralded by the media as the greatest statesmen to ever step foot on dry ground. And unfortunately, that may deceive the country again like they did with Joe Biden.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:16:53] We have such a unique time that men can no longer stand on the sidelines. We have to stand up and be leaders in our home. I highly recommend that everyone be prepared to have a 72 hour bag. Have a two month plan. Have a three month plan. Our grid is completely unstable because of our current administration’s policies with the open border. You and I chat, chit chatted before the the this show that, President Biden allowed the 30 major grid in Chinese made interconnects back into the grid that can now remotely controlled by the Chinese and shut down. This is all public information, and it’s frightening, but nobody’s really scared about it.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:17:45] Well, it really is and is ironic. And I know you didn’t plan on it, but you may not know that I was the the sponsor of the the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act. I was kind of the MP. No way. Yes, I was I, you know, Senator Ron Johnson in the Senate and, and in the House. And so I was kind of the, you know, the EMP expert in the, in the Congress. And Ron has done a great job. He, you know, somehow he survived without me. But we were able to pass that that bill, which I sponsored, authored and sponsored. And it was a very, very significant piece of legislation. We had to attach it to the the National Defense Authorization bill because the Democrats were filibustering in the Senate. Of course, anything that will protect America, it seemed like they’re consistently against. But the the effect was something that really ended up helping protect our Pentagon for protecting nor and protecting our bases out in California for our missile defense capability. There’s a lot of things that occurred because of that. It’s a slow going thing. But the Democrat presidents have simply ignored the legislation like they do border control. And I don’t mean to shift gears, you know, do a border shift here on you, Stu, but the border would be secure right now if we had a different president, if we had done.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:18:59] Absolutely.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:19:00] I was when I was in the, in the Congress I had in and sponsored the the border control bill and build the border wall and Trump enforce that law and it was secure. Unfortunately, when Joe Biden came in, it went to hell in a handbasket. That’s the problem with the border, not the law.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:19:16] And it’s Trent franks.com. Correct.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:19:20] Yes sir. Yes. Trish.com.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:19:23] and so I do love that. And again I believe it’s Trent franks.com. Donate and come and sign up for your newsletters and get updates from you is we’ve got about two more minutes here sir I want this to be our first podcast together because I want more updates. If you have updates that you want I want to get your story out there. Much like I want to be espousing for General Flynn and his movie President Trump, anybody that is America first and, humanity and Christian and standing up for others rights. I’m here. And again you’ve got about two more minutes here. What are your last thoughts here?


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:20:06] Well, you know just that I like you, too. I love America very much. I believe America is God’s gift to the whole world. And great statesmen. Name? Daniel Webster said, hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands for miracles do not fluster. And what has happened once in 6000 years may never happen again. So hold on to the Constitution. For if the Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world. I believe that to be true. I believe that this is the time that we have to try to save our country. I would not have come out of retirement. I have 15 year old twins that I love beyond my ability to ever express, but I want for their future. Like Reagan said, I don’t want to have to explain in my sunset years what it was like once in America when men were free. And so I’m going to do the best I can and leave the choice to the voters. Now, my election is the 30th of July. That’s about five and a half weeks from now. That’s why people will go to to look at Trent franks.com and do whatever God tells you. You know, I’ll be happy with that.


Stuart Turley – President and CEO of Sandstone Group [00:21:09] Well, I tell you what, thank you again so much. And that is Trent franks.com. And I’m on it right now. So thank you again for stopping by the podcast.


Former Representative Trent Franks [00:21:18] Thank you. Thank you very much. Take care Stu.


About Stu Turley 3643 Articles
Stuart Turley is President and CEO of Sandstone Group, a top energy data, and finance consultancy working with companies all throughout the energy value chain. Sandstone helps both small and large-cap energy companies to develop customized applications and manage data workflows/integration throughout the entire business. With experience implementing enterprise networks, supercomputers, and cellular tower solutions, Sandstone has become a trusted source and advisor.   He is also the Executive Publisher of www.energynewsbeat.com, the best source for 24/7 energy news coverage, and is the Co-Host of the energy news video and Podcast Energy News Beat. Energy should be used to elevate humanity out of poverty. Let's use all forms of energy with the least impact on the environment while being sustainable without printing money. Stu is also a co-host on the 3 Podcasters Walk into A Bar podcast with David Blackmon, and Rey Trevino. Stuart is guided by over 30 years of business management experience, having successfully built and help sell multiple small and medium businesses while consulting for numerous Fortune 500 companies. He holds a B.A in Business Administration from Oklahoma State and an MBA from Oklahoma City University.