What will the war in Sudan mean for Ethiopia?


Video Duration 27 minutes 50 seconds 27:50

For decades, Sudan and Ethiopia enjoyed strong economic and political ties.

But recent developments have strained relations between the neighbours.

A border dispute over land claimed by both countries threatened a potential conflict last year.

Ethiopia’s multibillion-dollar hydroelectric dam on the Blue Nile has been a source of tension for years.

Now, with widespread conflict across Sudan, and refugees crossing the border into Ethiopia, some are questioning if new alliances will be formed.

And is there a risk of a spillover?

Presenter: Imran Khan


Aicha El Basri – Researcher at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the former spokesperson for the African Union

Etana Dinka – Assistant professor at James Madison University, focusing on the political history of Ethiopia and Africa

Dallia Abdelmoniem – Political commentator

Addis Ababa is concerned as the war next door shows no sign of ending.

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