Rolls-Royce SMR design clears major review

Rolls-Royce SMR

Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd’s 470MWe Small Modular Reactor (SMR) design has successfully completed Step 2 of the Generic Design Assessment (GDA).

This stage confirms that Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd has met the necessary requirements and will now advance to Step 3.

The GDA process is designed to ensure that new nuclear reactor designs meet high standards for safety, security and environmental protection.

Step 2 focused on evaluating the technical aspects of the reactor’s design, including its safety features and environmental impact.

The Environment Agency, Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and Natural Resources Wales have all confirmed that Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd has met the required criteria for this stage.

The next step involves a more detailed examination of the design and a public consultation.

Saffron Price-Finnerty, the Environment Agency’s New Reactors Programme Manager, said: “We have not currently identified any significant issues or concerns with the design and Rolls-Royce SMR Limited has been able to demonstrate that environmental protection and radioactive waste management are key areas of focus for its developing design.”

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