Climate Director’s Controversial Claims

Source: ENB

Daily Standup Top Stories

Kamala Harris’s Far-Left ‘Climate Engagement Director’ Accuses Oil and Gas Workers of Committing ‘Ecoterrorism,’ Weaponizing ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Toxic Patriarchy’

The Harris-Walz campaign’s climate engagement director has a long history of demonizing fossil fuels, going as far as to accuse oil and gas workers of committing “ecoterrorism” and advancing “individualism, white supremacy + toxic patriarchy,” a Washington Free […]

Overnight Success: Biden’s Climate Splurge Gives Billions to Nonprofit Newbies

Although there isn’t much public information available about the Justice Climate Fund, it appears to have been an overnight success. After gaining nonprofit status in August 2023, the organization was awarded $940 million by the Biden administration just […]

Top U.S. LNG Exports: China’s Gas Demand Is Booming

Cheniere Energy: Chinese demand for natural gas is set to jump by more than 50% by 2040. Cheniere expects China to become the world’s first market with 100 million tons of LNG demand very soon. […]

China is overtaking Europe as the top market for Russia’s pipeline gas

China is on track to become the largest market for Russia’s pipeline gas this year, overtaking Europe after the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine capped flows of the fuel to the region. Russia’s gas giant Gazprom PJSC exported 23.7 billion cubic […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

01:52 – Kamala Harris’s Far-Left ‘Climate Engagement Director’ Accuses Oil and Gas Workers of Committing ‘Ecoterrorism,’ Weaponizing ‘White Supremacy’ and ‘Toxic Patriarchy’

04:59 – Overnight Success: Biden’s Climate Splurge Gives Billions to Nonprofit Newbies

07:05 – Top U.S. LNG Exports: China’s Gas Demand Is Booming

08:22 – China is overtaking Europe as the top market for Russia’s pipeline gas

11:01 – Outro

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stuart Turley: [00:00:10] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat podcast. My name is Stu Turley President and CEO of the Sandstone Group. Today is October 23rd. Michael was out in Houston losing some grants. I’ll tell you what, we are busy around here. Let’s start with our stories. Kamala Harris, far left climate engagement director, accuses oil and gas workers of committing eco terrorism, weaponizing white supremacy and toxic psychiatry. Holy smokes, man, you cannot buy this kind of entertainment overnight. Success. The Next Story. Biden’s climate Surge gives billions for Nonprofit Newbies. There’s a whole lot to this story. Then I’ve got two stories with China. Top U.S. LNG Exports. China’s gas demand is booming. Follow along with this story. China is overtaking Europe as one of the top market for Russia pipeline gas. I’ll tell you what. This is just crazy. Before you started with this Kamala Harris story here. Just to let you know, I’ve got several podcasts coming out. The staff has done a great job getting them. We’ve got executives that we have been interviewing and I am one of the executives is George Mcmillan. He is the CEO over there at McMillan Geo Strategic Resources. And he and I have been talking about the geopolitical nature and what is going on with China and Taiwan. So this is going to play into our stories here. [00:01:51][100.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:52] So let’s start with the first story here. Kamala Harris, far left climate engagement director, accuses oil and gas workers of committing eco terrorism and the weaponizing white supremacy and toxic psychiatry. Kamala thorndyke called the fossil fuel industry ad deaf call that weaponized white supremacy. You can’t buy this kind of who are you? And if you went to the farm and shoveled it yourself there As Wolves campaign Climate Engagement director, it has a long history of demonizing fossil fuels, going as far as accusing oil and gas workers of committing the eco terrorism and advancing individual ism, white supremacy and toxic patriarchy. Washington Free Beacon Review found. This is actually disgusting. And when you sit back and think, here’s a quote out of the story. To have that level of money flowing so, so few people, CEOs and shareholders, there’s something evil about that. There’s something that is a system that is so unequal and unchallenged to human suffering, she said in her August 22nd interview with the Climate Journey podcast. I would challenge anyone who’s in the fossil fuel sector to consider putting their talents elsewhere else because in my mind, there’s no greater source of horror than continuing to cook the planet, which we’ve known for decades. My response to you is if you would love to come on this podcast, let’s talk facts. My challenge, Camellia, is if you would come on this podcast, let’s talk about what facts are the facts are. Over the last several years I’ve been documenting that we will the more we go to renewable wind and solar, which renewable is a funny term, we will use more fossil fuels because they are not sustainable both in physics and fiscally responsible. You are more than welcome on this podcast at any time. I would love to talk to you about not necessarily white supremacy because I believe your views are totally out to lunch, but I would love to know why you think a fiscally irresponsible plan of putting in wind and solar with our current grid situation and the current physics, Why is it that whenever there are wind and solar countries like Germany, the UK, let’s look at New York and New Jersey, California, all of them are failing financially because of the physics around the renewable wind and solar programs. It is not have anything to do with what you are talking about on this. Totally out to lunch. Interesting article. [00:04:59][186.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:59] I want to go to the next one here. Overnight success. Biden’s climate splurge gives billions to nonprofit newbies. There’s. Not much public information available about the Justice Climate Fund. The White House, $27 billion greenhouse Gas reduction fund, which aims to provide financial assistance to reduce carbon emissions and reduce pollution. This is a money grab. The Justice Climate Fund is not the only nonprofit newcomer to suddenly make it rich by the JG. RF. Within a month of gaining nonprofit status from the IRS. Holy smokes. I’ll tell you what, this is a grab for money. Let’s talk about physics. Let’s talk about the grid. Let’s talk about getting the lowest kilowatt per hour to everyone on the planet with the least amount of pollution. And that means we’ve got to use natural gas. Natural gas is great, but let’s capture the carbon. Let’s talk about having capturing the methane. Let’s work on that. This is not a one or the highway. I want to say let’s use all forms of energy, but let’s not fund $27 billion for something that is stupid. Is this. I’m sorry. This is absolutely get me worked up. Dan Mack is the critic of the Biden-Harris campaign climate agenda calls the spending splurge a slush fund. Darren, if you are out there, I’d love to have you on the podcast. Darren Back West is the director of Conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute Center for Energy and Environment, a sharp critic of the Biden administration. Climate change spending spree. It’s worse than a slush fund, a slush fund to create nonprofit slush funds. Well said there, and you are more than welcome. I would love to hear more about this story from you. [00:07:04][125.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:05] Let’s roll the next one. Your top U.S. LNG export. China’s gas demand is booming. Cheniere Energy. Chinese demand for Cheniere Energy. Chinese demand for natural gas is set to jump by more than 50% by 2040. Holy smokes, Batman. Cheniere also expects a first world market within a hundred million tons of LNG demand very soon. Shell, the world’s top LNG trader, expect the global LNG demand to surge by 50% by 2040. And I think this is a fabulous thing. I think that if we can get off of coal, it would be absolutely better for the environment to use natural gas like Vietnam. Just put in an LNG two natural gas power plant so they can take it right off the ship, put it in LNG storage and then right to the power plant. That is actually a very good use for that shell. The world’s largest trader expects global LNG demand to surged by 50%, driven by the high demand from Asia. I think it is phenomenal that they’re thinking of forward thinking on this. [00:08:21][76.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:22] Let’s now take this story and look at the next story. China is overtaking Europe as the top market for Russia’s pipeline gas. Gazprom exports natural gas to China in the first nine months of this year are up almost 40% from last year. That is huge. China is on track to become the largest market for Russia’s natural gas pipeline this year, overtaking Europe after the Kremlin’s war with Ukraine. Russia’s gas project, Gazprom, exported 23,000,000,000m³ of natural gas to China in the first nine months of this year. That is a lot. Now, this comes into my conversations with George Macmillan, and it is unbelievable, what with what’s going on. We have the war games going on in China right now, which they’re circling Taiwan. Is this about whether they’re going to invade Taiwan or my guess with George, we cover that because we also cover BRICs is going on right now with Russia meeting with President Z. He’s meeting with a lot of the African leaders. He’s meeting with the leaders from the Middle East. And BRICs is actually going to be a in a scenario where they’re moving off of the Petro dollar and also buying gas outside the U.S. dollar and they’re buying them in rubles or one in in. So this is a gigantic story. George has the opinion that this that they are not going to invade Taiwan. But this is actually doing the BRICs and taking a look at. The potential of the pipelines Japan, South Korea, Korea and the pipelines all going on to natural gas pipelines from Russia. This is what the old warmongers from the current administration do not want. They know they want everybody not to be reliant on that. That’s why the Nord Stream two pipeline got blown up as alleged by the and even forewarned by President Biden. This is a huge story, especially when you understand the back workings that is not mentioned in the story. That podcast with George there are three of them coming up and those will be coming out as well too. [00:11:01][158.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:01] So please, like subscribe, share. Tell your friends and if you are a coming up into the end of the year and you are looking for in the investments with tax advantages and you are needing a tax advantage, please reach out to us. Go to energy and then on the top menu bar take a look at it and it is energy hyper dash survey and see if this is oil and gas is an investment for you. We are currently very pleased with our investment in oil and gas and would love to share that information with you. Have a great day. Thanks, See you all soon. [00:11:01][0.0][648.0]

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