Canadian Energy Team stop by the ENB Podcast – Energy Policies Don’t Always Help The Poor

We have the great Terry Etam, and Movie Mogul, Heidi McKillop – And we talk about a very serious topic – “Can we grow food with no fossil fuels, or why do the poor and disproportionally impacted communities always get it in the drive-through.

This is one of the most fun podcasts that I have had the fortune to even participate in. I really appreciate Heidi and Terry for their knowledge and industry insights.

Terry Etam is an author and contributor to the BOE report. It has been fabulous getting to know Terry and hearing his story about the less fortunate in African countries reaching out to talk about his book.  Terry Etam’s LinkedIn. 

Heidi McKillop directed “A Stranded Nation” and has just recently started her own movie company. Please connect with Heidi for outstanding video productions.

Heidi McKillop’s LinkedIn

Everyone deserves the right to have low-cost clean energy. Thank you both for stopping by the podcast, and Terry thanks for the signed copy of your book!



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Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:00:09] Hello, everybody. Today is one of my absolute favorite days of the month, and that is the Energy Newsbeat podcast. My name Stu Turley , President and CEO of the Sanstone Group. And we have Heidi Macala. And I mean, I am so proud to have her here. She is absolutely the movie mogul. Harris and Heidi, you’ve got a new movie that you had out on LinkedIn. And I mean, it was going viral. You had some great comments on there. And the title of the movie was, let’s see who was right here. What did you do? It was on it. Is it realistic to stop using oil and gas in our food supply?


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:00:52] Exactly.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:00:54] Boy, that’s I was a tease for you to talk about, and you know exactly what I got.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:00:59] Well, it’s really great about it is that it basically takes the whole food supply chain conversation into consideration with natural gas and oil in general. So all the petroleum byproducts and all the usage that goes into farming, it’s very heavy, obviously energy intensive industry. So especially with Canada, we have a ton of farmers out here and we have the land mass for agriculture, just like the United States does. And we are really the food baskets for the world. And a lot of people don’t understand that. We’re talking about how our agricultural production, farming, we really have to look at how much it costs farmers. What is that look right for decarbonizing and in the agricultural space, what does that look like for equipment? So equipment is incredibly expensive for farmers. They’re not going to be going out and buying brand new equipment if they’ve already had equipment that’s working. So there’s a lot of it’s a very, very complicated conversation and there’s a lot of room for improvement. There’s a lot of really cool things that are happening. A lot of entrepreneurs are kind of tackling the carbon issue and making it less carbon intensive. And that could be carbon sequestration back into the soil. There’s a lot of movement now with methane using methane onsite with cow cows and putting it into a pipeline system. So, I mean, it’s really it sounds crazy, but it’s really creative. And I’m always excited to hear what new people and young people coming into the space are doing and creating.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:02:28] You know, Heidi, you’re so cute. You are going to say cow poop. And then all the listeners when she said go, go anyway is your video was fantastic. And I hope everybody checks it. Our own Heidi’s LinkedIn page. It’ll be linked in the show notes. And I really enjoy your attitude and your positivity. And when you compare me, you and Terry, Terry is now up here and Terry is an author, contributor to the bio report. And I tell you what, Terry, thank you for sending this out right here. This is your book, The End of Fossil Fuel Insanity. And you even inscribed in it for me. I mean, this is actually fabulous still. But still, you are the best podcast host in the industry group, Terry. Yeah, that is so nice of you to do. I can’t believe that you did this


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:03:22] one to suck up is


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:03:26] doing. And how are things going for you?


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:03:29] Not too bad. Yup. Getting through summer. And the more I ignore energy news, the better my days go. So yeah, I can keep the grumpiness down if I stay away from the news,


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:03:40] but I guess so. Technology guys, you are having a beer. Heidi and I were getting all mad and everything because you’re having a beer and you still got grumpy or you were talking about our next topic up here. Oh, man. OK, so you’re grumpy. Heidi is Snow White and I’m goofy. No, it’s dopey. So you could


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:04:03] six other choices,


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:04:06] right? OK, that would be smart. OK, and I couldn’t agree with that. Let me take this off and kind of say. If you’re human, you deserve the lowest kilowatt per hour energy so that you can quit burning cow poop or dung or any of the other burning fossils and really get to health. So I firmly believe in the balanced diet of power and balanced diet of power is having the lowest kilowatt per hour with the least amount of impact to the environment. That sounds nice, but it’s complicated. So we start going in. What’s the best formula? And what that is, is oil and gas is still really, really important. So is nuclear. So is wind, solar and everything else. But let’s have a nice, intelligent discussion about humanity first. So Heidi has been rubbing off on me, and I’m so sorry about that. But Terry, you absolutely were having a beer. And I love your comments about Africa and the oil and gas resources and what’s going on. So this is kind of teed up to your royal grumpiness. What were you thinking?


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:05:25] The Africa’s just one slice of it, I guess. I think there’s roughly a billion people in Africa, and I kind of hate lumping them together. South Africa, obviously, there’s a lot of different countries and a lot of different cultures. But but we that’s so it’s we tend to view them in the West as a collective unit. And then it sort of it puts them almost on par size wise with India and China who are not that different. There are people that are looking to elevate their standard of living. China has gone the farthest with their development than their their corresponding increase in energy consumption. India’s is catching up to them and we’re catching up to them. But chasing them in Africa is a distant third. And yeah, I had I had some great conversations with people from Africa this summer. Someone cool in the African Energy Chamber recommended my book and it went crazy all over LinkedIn, which was really cool. And he read it and gave it a good review. And from someone from that. Thanks for the plug. He’s not even


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:06:24] in a signed copy, no less


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:06:28] so from somebody from that perspective, when he said in his review, you said this guy gets to talk about me and after and there are about about developing countries. Right. There’s a couple of chapters that are talking about it and how they’re you’re talking about how they deserve the the lowest cost of energy, which benefits them. But it’s also the fact that we’ve got seven between seven and eight billion people on Earth. Now, at the same time, because we’ve developed energy and food systems which can feed that many people, you couldn’t have done that 100 or 200 years ago. Then it’s it’s our system that’s developed that enables that. So they’re all alive. We’re all alive because of this system. And you we have to respect that system a lot more than we are. And people these people in Africa are the ones I’ve been speaking to. They respect that. They say, yeah, we understand we have to get greener, but we have to survive first and stop burning cow shit. I’m not buying it. And this is


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:07:23] a family show.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:07:28] How do I know it is? OK, but they’re so they’re they’re fighting for a totally different set of things than we are here. Have everything we take it for granted are our supermarkets are always full, are everything we want to hear. We’re we’re annoyed now because we can’t get semiconductor chips in. Our new vehicles are late or I heard a guy complaining the other day that the Porsche dealership was empty. There’s no Porsches around and some people have it hard. Right.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:07:57] So toilet paper down here was kind of like gold. I mean, it was like, holy smokes, people were hoarding toilet paper. Go figure that out.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:08:06] It was sleeping up here and it was the same thing. It felt like we were heading into an apocalypse because you go down and all the aisles were just like, you know, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins were gone. Like it was just so weird. Like, it really show the side of humanity that you got to be careful with is, you know, when people get scared and they get backed into a corner, they feel fearful. They’re less likely not everyone. But some people are less likely to be considerate of others. So maybe, oh, I don’t need seven things of toilet paper to last me. That’s in the last two two years. Yeah. You know, it’s just kind of that kind of mentality, just kind of taking what you need. And we need to kind of look at that kind of citris point when you’re talking about international countries and they’re they’re coping with very, very serious issues and we do here as well, but not to the extent that they are. And we need to show compassion and understanding to what they’re up against.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:09:06] Well, honey, what is your thought on humanity, on getting the lowest kilowatt hour in Africa to the world is going? Trying to buy the highest kilowatt per hour got there?


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:09:20] Well, for me, from just a simple background from social work, is that I’m always concerned about how that affects poverty and why some white food sources, for instance, with my video that we just put up with Second Street, one of the things that’s really fascinating is you really have to look at the cost of things and the cost of food. Can people have access to this food? Is it something that we’re able to produce on a mass scale to other countries that are demanding our supply? Do we have the right resources here to be able to support low income families with proper nutritious food like vegetables and fruits and things that tend to go a lot more expensive on the world scale for prices? And that all comes into account from energy. I mean, and I think this is the scary part about up to Terry’s point is that people will get on movement and they’ll get on cultural movements and social movements. And that’s all well and good to change pendulum’s. But if there’s not a direct connection to energy, people really don’t understand how everything is connected to it. Everything is impacted by that. And so for me, it’s like, well, are you increasing people’s salaries when you’re having the highest kilowatt of energy at your homes to to buy your food, to travel, to do things that you need to do? And the answer is no, there’s not going to be enough subsidies in the world to help with this.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:10:45] You bet. Well, Terry, when the folks from all over the world were getting a hold of you and they were asking for the signature on your book, were or what were they how do they get a hold of you or tell me how that get started? Because I love the fact people were reaching out to you. That’s cool.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:11:05] It was just a LinkedIn thing. And I’m kind of critical media a lot, but sometimes it’s pretty neat and it just spiraled from that one guy’s review. And I guess he’s fairly influential and it went to a lot of places. Then I was getting you get these warming even free notes from people saying, like, at least you’re like somebody said, even if he disagrees, he’s not calling us names or something like that. And people, they just want respect. They just want to say, hey, this just list here are story like just because we want to develop a natural gas field, one of the countries, I think it’s Nigeria, declared this the next decade of natural gas because they’re developing resources and they’re going to make money off it and they’re going to build school schools and they’re going to build infrastructure. And they’re saying they look at us over here in the West and they say, we want to live like you and we have the resources and we’re going to do it. And and they don’t they don’t appreciate being told that you have to stop burning all this stuff because you’re killing the planet. It’s like it’s not killing us at all. What’s killing us? Just not having it. That’s very a very clear observation that anyone can make any honest person look at their situation and go, you would be better off with the steady supply of of what we have in the earth, 10 percent of what we have here in the West, the necessities of life.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:12:25] Is that not the definition of colonialization? What you just explained there absolutely is the catch 22 of colonialization, of what is what is colonial mentality. And it’s telling other people that are not in our bracket of either race, gender, ethnicity, cultural identity, whatever. It is, something that is not my way of what I should be telling someone else to do. So like I you know, that’s and that’s really what we’re up against. This is colonial kind of Western mentality that what we have is never going to end. And we’re going to able to say we’re going to switch over to this and the whole world is going to follow us and we’re going to save the planet. That’s very short sighted.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:13:05] It’s so wrong. But he said the parallels are so exact that it’s just like we’re going to tell all of these people that don’t know better how to live because we have to save the planet. And the sickening part of it is just how well we do live. Right. Like the people that that are making these demands of people. I think there’s like three hundred people in India. They don’t have access to clean drinking water. Well, and Africa is probably


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:13:31] three hundred


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:13:33] million people. Yeah, OK.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:13:34] I thought you were saying three hundred in Oklahoma and Texas.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:13:39] Are you in a million.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:13:41] OK, great. I was a little worried there about.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:13:43] No, no, that’s almost the population of the United States doesn’t have access to clean drinking water then they have they have kids that get on trains after school and they have their little buckets and they go to the next village to get drinking water for the family. So all of these people are on a development curve and and we have no right to stop them. And we have, like Heidi mentioned, about the parallel to colonialism. It’s just so so it’s just like an echo of history. Again, like, I can’t believe that we’re doing this again to these same groups and they’re not. But they’re not putting up. At this time, so


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:14:16] right in front,


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:14:18] I don’t know if you can see the graphic on here and but it is Brazil and this is based on a percentage of population. Brazil has the highest percentage per population for renewables. And when you take a look at India and the U.S., India has so much. India is red and then green is the United States. Take a look at those. Those are neck and neck. So as a population, they are extremely low as far as that. And there’s going to be no growth in that. That’s those charts showing percentage and growth. The United States is not having a serious growth as well, too. I thought that was pretty amazing that there’s a flat growth, even though you’re always talking about how much is going in there. And I had to dig in. Why? It’s because there’s so much new power being required. Here is the solar coming in. Here is everything else. And here’s the cold. So everybody thinks they’re just going to get rid of fossil fuels and replace it with solar. It’s not it’s me that makes sense.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:15:39] They need to get rid of that philosophy that solar is going to replace it. I mean, I’ve had a conversation with a guy from Toronto actually not too long ago at my friend’s birthday party. And we I kind of came in late and we were just chatting. And one of the things that really struck me because he goes on from Toronto and I was like, well, this is going to be great. I can’t wait to ask, like, a million questions about what he thinks about energy. And we were chatting about it. And he goes, well, oil and gas is absolutely it’s going it’s done. And everyone in Alberta is just grasping on to it. And he said, I’m living out here now for five years. And I sat there and I was like, OK, well, what’s your philosophy? What do you think? Why do you think? And his answer that he gave back to me is that we do consume too much. And I do agree with that. There was that understanding. We kind of had that analysis together. That was correct. And then from that analysis, though, he went into like, well, it can be replaced with solar. And he said title. And it was really interesting to me that he said title. I said, well, title has failed off of Nova Scotia miserably. And he goes, well, that’s Nova Scotia. And I go, Dude, this is the best place probably in the world to do a tidal research project. That’s why they put so much money into it, because it has the highest tides in the world and the lowest tide. Sorry. So it goes out in like Steranko is visiting out in that region. It’s it’s really interesting. So there probably would be a lot of energy, I would say, if I’m wrong, Terry, probably in that research project, if it was going to work in that region.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:17:16] Right. Well, sorry. Go ahead.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:17:19] Yeah, I know. And anyway, we started chatting about that, but he didn’t know anything about that project. Just kind of threw out the word tidal and threw out the word solar. And I was like, well, they’re so far behind. I mean, there’s other forms of energy sources that are doing way better. And I would kind of like at least agree with that. Like if they said nuclear, hydrogen or there’s going to be a lot of replacement in that area, I’d be like, OK, cool. That kind of you know, sure enough, those are a little bit more reliable energy sources and but could not wrap his head around the petroleum byproducts. And he goes, well, I would much rather have my cup, my glass cup here made out of wood. I said, and then what are you going to do? Take down every wood force in the whole world like so you can supply these cups that probably are going to be coated with some kind of petroleum byproduct. And then on top of it, they still got to get shipped. And then on top of it, you have all the green activists getting mad about the forest. You’re not going to win on this one, but it’s not going to be replaced with


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:18:18] wood on the lot of trees.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:18:22] I did I wrote a blog about a month ago on the blog report, and I kind of went through that. What what what renewables have contributed. Renewables are important. They’re there where you where there’s low hanging fruit. They’re awesome. They they offset something. But here’s some stats. So this is all converted to terawatt hours, which is just a unit of electricity. But in two thousand and one, global energy consumption was one hundred and twenty three thousand terawatt hours. In twenty nineteen it was one hundred and seventy three thousand. So it went up by 40 percent or what hours. And in that interval there was three and a half trillion dollars spent on renewables and they accounted for five thousand of those terawatt hours so far. So all of the in the past two decades, all of the push we’ve heard about going to renewables and how it’s happening quickly. Out to transition, all of that only accounted for 10 percent of the world’s energy consumption, so so the the energy needs of the world are just racing far ahead of anything that’s available in any form we need or we need all of these things.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:19:31] OK, you have you guys seen the movie Back to the future when he starts going ten point one gigawatts, when he’s about ready to get into the DeLorean and go back in time? Have you seen that one or just. OK, Heidi. I know you’re an idiot. OK, here we go. This one was in 2050. Terry, I got to show up with a little bit of stats here. They’re saying they’re going to be one hundred and sixty one.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:20:01] Excuse that I don’t know.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:20:05] And smokes. What’s the next thing you


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:20:09] I talked about that in my quote in my post here, and I said


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:20:14] and I quote, He has an answer for that. OK, that’s way above my thought process, Heidi.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:20:21] I think somebody read that post


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:20:26] I wrote in my post that it is a whole shitload of energy,


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:20:31] but you’re all about the shit today. It’s my mood.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:20:38] I have just. But it said here, but I think the US, us consume something like 90 joules and China is like one hundred and thirty or something like that. But yeah, it’s a it’s a lot of energy anyways when you boil it down to kind of numbers. But that’s a useful way to look at it, to convert everything to one equivalent. And then it kind of gets people’s attention a little bit. But it’s those numbers really get get me when you compare it with the contributions of the various components. And like for people that say, oh, we’re going to convert to renewable quickly, they might not put any significance to that. But if you hold up the the number out of that number, what’s what’s produced by renewables or even 10 years in future. And you see what a small number it is. And just to to put to increase that number, the first five percent is easy. The next five percent is a little bit harder. But when you go from thirty five to forty percent, then it’s like 20 times harder and then it just gets worse from there.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:21:41] And I’m a big hydrogen fan, we probably get into that to the next show, but I really love the blue green hydrogen. I get really tickled, say I got blue hydrogen or I got green hydrogen, you know, and it’s like which one’s made with natural gas and which one’s made was more expensive power. I get really tickled when they say we’ve got green, hydrogen or blue, which is made with natural gas. So everybody thinks because it’s made with natural gas now that it’s hydrogen, it’s more expensive, but it’s OK. I think the technology will get there. And I am a hydrogen fan. I just hope we get there.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:22:23] But I think it’s a great story to jump in here. But it’s a great bridge fuel and activists hate that because it’s allowing the continuation of the existence of the hydrocarbon industry. But it’s the only realistic way to do it is you’ve got to start blending this stuff in and using what you have. Your company here in Canada called Enbridge, they’re big in the US, too, and they’re starting to inject hydrogen into the natural gas stream. They’re starting off at like two percent. So if that hydrogen has no emissions in a source, which isn’t likely. But if let’s say it did, then you’ve achieved two percent emissions reduction right there, wherever this happens. And maybe they can gradually increase that to five and 10 percent. But but they’re they’re leveraging the existing infrastructure instead of getting rid of it and building a new infrastructure, which


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:23:11] we can’t get done.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:23:12] They can’t get it going to happen. It’s not going to happen to Terri.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:23:17] The new generators that Enbridge put on that to get the amount of hydrogen in there is relatively cheap to get the extra hydrogen in there instead of putting in a whole new pipeline as one of the main reasons. I’m really big on hydrogen.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:23:34] It is it’s there’s actually this isn’t widely known, but there’s a hydrogen hub in Canada here that I was talking to. One of the guys is helping put it together and it’s taking shape outside of Edmonton. It’s actually fairly sizable. Well, there’s there’s huge hydrogen economy there anyways for the refineries, just as there is in the United States. And so it’s just a matter of expanding the footprint of it. And that’s it’s underway. It’s happening that, as usual, the industry isn’t doing a great job of telling their story,


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:24:02] that


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:24:02] activists are ahead of the curve saying, well, if it if it has anything to do with natural gas, it’s bad anyway. So it’s got to go. And those are the ones that get most of the media stream. But reality will win in the end. It’s going to they’re their president. Biden begged OPEC the other day to increase their oil output, which just blew everyone’s minds and it sent every activist into dead silence. But he’s he’s doing what he has to do while he’s doing it for political reasons. He’s trying to look good to the populace, but he’s not kidding. They need cheaper energy or you need cheaper energy. You need cheaper gasoline to keep the economy running. Right. There are forecasts of a propane shortages winter and trying to explain to the average citizen what propane is. And you’ll get a glazed look real quick. But they’re going to find out if if if North America runs short of propane this winter. It’s a heating fuel for a lot of rural people and a lot of rural hospitals. I saw that out east in the Maritimes when I just came back. I noticed a lot of small hospitals have a bunch of propane cylinders outside and that’s how they get through the winter. And yeah, you know that, too, right. So it’s a propane shortage is not a laughing matter in the middle of winter, which we might find out the hard way.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:25:14] So, yeah. And it’s well, and we’ve already seen that happen before, right back in the propane issue with the nursing homes, people that for the most part, it was mostly run on nursing homes. So, yeah, and it’s exactly Tataris point. Like, you know, you’re looking at real world aspects of Canada and the United States and they just certainly don’t have a very large place and a very strong one. And activists are really shooting themselves in the foot, though, because I really hope that conversation continues, because I literally laugh every single time I hear it. I’m like, OK, so as a woman you’re going to support OK? And you’re not going to support Canadian oil and gas. That is absolutely ludicrous on a human level, on humanity and human rights and women’s rights and all the issues that happened over in that country that aren’t transparent. And it mattered didn’t matter


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:26:09] to


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:26:10] where are we going to support OPEC plus and open when Russia and Iran and anybody else that’s in those consortiums are going to be producing with less impact than the great Canadian oils and everything else. I like my Canadian brethren, by the way, just in case you hadn’t noticed that. But why don’t we buy from you guys? It’s less impact on the environment.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:26:35] Well, every woman should be outraged by this, though, because, you know, I have traveled to the. These before and I’ve been in Palestine and I’ve been around and seen some places, and one thing that I always take back is how thankful I am to be born as a woman in Canada because I have the rights to be able to explain what I want to say. No one’s telling me what to wear on my body. I’m allowed to freely marry when I want to marry. And there’s a lot of women around the world that don’t have access to that and access to education and freedom. And I don’t take that lightly. I think that’s something traveling internationally I really value about our country and our neck of the woods in North America. And certainly there are issues. We’ve got tons of stuff to always work on socially, domestically. But if you compare apples to apples across the world, we are in a much better position and we should be proud of that. And we should be supporting resources that reflect the same values that we have here.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:27:32] You know, Heidi, that is such a great discussion point that you’re standing up for that because not everybody does. I mean, you know, Terry tells you what to do over time. I mean, he just kind of sits there and, you know, this is what you should think, right?


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:27:47] Yeah. Terry is great because honestly, my sounding board for ninety nine percent of my oil gas conversations,


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:27:57] well, I still want to get up there and covid is driving me nuts here in Texas. I mean, I was really looking forward to get down to our big oil and gas conference in May. And now they’re saying that it may be blowed up, as we say down here, because the Kova and everything else. But I still want to get up to Canada and sit out there on a park bench and still have some serious conversations so we can add women’s rights to our conversation. That ought to be some really good stuff.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:28:28] Yeah, totally. Well, it’s something that I’ve I’ve been really passionate about since I started university. And I’m like my background on a personal level. I was raised to not like women don’t go to school. They don’t go to have an education. Typically it’s not you are required to be the household matriarch and you take care of your husband. And in my in my religion that I grew up in, they don’t cut their hair. They don’t wear makeup. So I’ve already kind of come from that Rule-based upbringing. So I really empathize with women around the world that also we’re in the same similar situation. And I’m not saying that that’s I’m always right about my choice of leaving and going off in a different direction. But it’s a choice. And I think the choices in Canada are typically there, whereas in Saudi Arabia they don’t have that choice and they don’t have that transparency. And we should be very, very mindful of that when we’re buying resources as powerful as oil and gas and how much revenue they get from that and who it’s supporting.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:29:33] Well, you know, Terri is supporting you by not wearing makeup as well to say hello.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:29:41] I put a little blush on. Right.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:29:43] But I think of all three of us were talking right before the show about the politics in Canada. That is really kind of crazy as well, too. So do you see any changes coming around the corner that may even go further into energy policy?


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:30:01] You can have that one now. Good.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:30:05] I have a feeling he’s not going to want to answer that one. Yeah, it’s not looking very good for our federal election right now. So the Trudeau government has recently just called it’s been leaking out in the news today that they’re going to be calling an election here coming up.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:30:23] So what does that mean for us, Texarkana?


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:30:28] Well, in the short form is that he’s projected to win majority government, which means he’s going to have zero accountability in terms of parliament. So he right now is forced to work with NDP and to create similar policies and opposition speaking. We have a lot stronger voice because the opposition has been working together as well and with obviously with majority government. He has full control over energy policies. And that really is the scary part about it is his government and the bureaucrats that work in Ottawa with him are very clearly anti Alberta, and they’re very clearly anti energy policies that will complement our energy industry here. The only thing that’s that’s nice is that we do have a great premier. I personally really like Jason Kenney. He’s a really great spokesperson. And I and he has a lot of guts to stand up for Albertans is what we need. And the industry has been stronger with the oil prices. So there’s two things that I’m pretty excited about, and there’s some really amazing projects that are on the go and collaborations with energy. And Erving’s back east, they have publicly come out and formed more alliances together. So I think we can work around it. But it certainly will be a big hit for our industry to see an anti and anti oil and gas majority government go through.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:31:51] You bet on one thing. And this isn’t even really positive. But at some point we’re going to see the same thing here. We did see a little bit, if I if I could say something about politics, the that’s not completely black, but with the minority government, our Trudeau government had to get support from either the NDP, which is the Socialist Party or the Green Party with socialism in a different cloak. And they’ll maybe they won’t have to at least listen to those parties. Maybe they still will anyways, but try to find something positive to say about it. But it’ll be like Trudeau’s government bought the Keystone or not Keystone, the transport pipeline to go. And they’re proceeding with the expansion against against all of the they’re hated for it. But it’s in one sense, it’s the same as what Biden is facing in the states, is that at some point there’s reality. You can’t evade reality. You can say all you want about a transition. You can say all you want about how we’re in an emergency there, all that stuff. At the end of the day, you’ve got to put food on the table just like any parent or whatever. And and they can debate that reality forever. And Trudeau won’t be able to evade it forever. And Biden can’t forever either.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:33:07] So totally. So how many how long do you think Trudeau will be around? I mean, easy politically. Do can he die any time soon of old age lord?


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:33:20] He’s he’s kicking around way more than western Canada for. I think that’s just the reality behind it. And one of the things that I’ve actually been really vocal about the last few years is I typically don’t really like politics. I think parties all make mistakes. I think if they have a lot of issues, General, I think most parties are really disconnected from people’s voices, an average day workers. But certainly this this administration that we have seen is so far disconnected from the average Joe Canadian that really it’s it’s it’s really kind of insulting in a sense. It’s not just oil and gas industry. It’s the agricultural industry. It’s mining, steel, manufacturing, potash. I mean, all these exports that we rely on. To Terry’s point, you’re just shooting yourself in the foot for what gives you your bread and butter in terms of royalties and in federal revenue. And at one point, you can’t you can’t be against it. Like you look at your books and you look at the money coming in. And I mean, it’s just a reality whether you agree with it or not. And certainly. But just the tone of the administration itself is largely anti blue collar. And that’s something that is fundamentally completely against my values.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:34:38] Personally, it’s totally.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:34:41] Go ahead. Sorry.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:34:42] It’s the the the United Nations says to do something. And that’s that’s the guiding light for our not not what the regions of Canada are facing. But I’m sure there’s a big girl split. Well, you see that in US politics as well. The split, the. Rural and urban voters are in the middle and they’re they’re the ones that are disconnected from reality, not that rural. We’ll have all the answers. But it’s it’s it’s the it’s the backbone of the country. Is it make things that create food, that move things around, that drive trucks, that drive forklifts that whatever, that teach kids all these people that are out there working, trying to make make a living. And they’re not it’s totally disrespectful when you have these people that just and it’s it’s colonialism in a miniature version here in Canada. It’s just like the these powers that dictate to the Netherlands what they are going to do or not do. So and what Canada said, they’re going to ban internal combustion engines by the year. Twenty, thirty five go out into the middle of Saskatchewan on a farm and ask a farmer what they think of that idea. You’ll get run off the land very quickly or a mining community or anybody lives up north where they leave their trucks running 24/7 because they’ll freeze up if they shut them off their these.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:36:10] Did you guys I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but this brings up a great point. Did you see the huge test of farm storage facility in Australia that burned out before they could even turn on? It was the Australia’s largest storage for renewable energy, and one of them runs in the center, just ignited it in self combusted before they could even turn it on. And I got kind of tickled at that. It was kind of


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:36:43] well, I’ve seen people just these things are they make the news is like the next great breakthrough or the next whatever. The first one that Tesla built in Australia, it actually works quite well as a peaking thing, just like in demand or there’s voltage changes. It’s very useful, but it can be discharged because one hundred and fifty million bucks or something, it can be discharged in something like eight minutes and then it takes days to recharge. So it’s like it’s not a solution to anything in terms of providing low cost energy to people. It helps if they can be useful, just like solar and wind are useful in the right. But to think it’s going to replace those systems is just delusional.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:37:25] But, you know, I have to say, guys, every single time we have a podcast, a, I think it keeps getting better. You guys are getting smarter and I’m just flat. So here’s here’s your. All right.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:37:42] Here’s part of yourself right now.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:37:44] I know Jared is bringing me along for the ride. I don’t think I was coattails.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:37:49] All right. So we’ve had there’s so many nuggets in this one that we’ve got a lot of nuggets. And I guarantee when I automatically transcribe it from the articles, it’s going to be hilarious to try to pick out the all the good stuff in here last round around the horn. Last thoughts. I want to hear what you got coming up for the next month and anything else. So, Terry, let’s go ahead and start with you. Last thoughts.


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:38:17] Well, on the writing front, I’m busy with my day job and then on the writing front, which is my hobby, yeah, I just got to get keep getting the message out there about this well, and actually warning people about what’s coming energy wise and hurting people, warning people, warning. OK, like it’s this this one. Heidi, you I speak out in defense of fossil fuels, just not just because we love them. It’s because they’re the best thing out there and they work the best stuff. What you’re saying, and you can’t cut off the world’s fuel supply and expect to have no repercussions and people need that and that. And so try and get that out to into the minds of the average citizen. And on the work front, I’m actually working on a renewable natural gas project is as strange as some people might find out to believe. But we’re in our area where I work for a little natural gas producer and we’re working with local industry to to utilize our existing gas gathering systems to be doable natural gas to feed into the system just like hydrogen.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:39:24] So it’s. Are you getting it from poop?


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:39:27] Nope, we’re getting it from wood.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:39:29] Now, would


Terry Etam, Stunt man for Grumpy. [00:39:31] you try and gather that stuff off? Cause it’s not fun.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:39:36] Outstanding. And I see what’s coming around the corner. Your movie mogul is absolutely wonderful. What do you got coming around the corner?


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:39:44] Oh, gosh, I got so many projects on the go right now. It’s a little bit overwhelming to wrap everything up, but yeah, I’ve got a couple of commercials coming out, so we’re wrapping up those really quickly here I am in most of our launching. Actually, I’ve got a lot of laundry coming up in early September because it’s not a good time to get viewership right now, I guess, glorification. So a lot of my things are going to be wrapping up here shortly in the next couple of weeks. And yeah, I’m really excited, like I’m lobbying right now with a group on the R Star program. So it’s basically looking at liability reclamation in Alberta and how to address that for small producers so that they can get credits off the system and then they can sell the credits off and they can also make a little bit of money, but also address the initial issues of the abandonment wells. And so that’s that’s a huge, huge problem we have in the oil and gas industry. And it’s really nice to see industry kind of coming together and making a solution. So that’s been a really hot topic right now in my world. And also, obviously, there’s I’m doing an indigenous movie and then I’m doing smaller projects on the side. I just kind of educational one on one videos.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:40:57] Do either of you sleep good for now?


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:41:02] I doubt it’s.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:41:03] And caffeine, lots of caffeine actually


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:41:07] getting a new entrepreneur. I never sleep now. I thought I didn’t sleep before. Now I really don’t sleep.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:41:13] OK, thank you again to my favorite Canadians and we will get this published out next week. I cannot wait again to my next meeting. And so look forward to seeing you guys soon. Thank you all very much. Thank you, Stuart.


Heidi McKillup, Movie Mogul [00:41:28] Always a pleasure.


Stu Turley, SandStone Group [00:41:31] And.


About Stu Turley 3363 Articles
Stuart Turley is President and CEO of Sandstone Group, a top energy data, and finance consultancy working with companies all throughout the energy value chain. Sandstone helps both small and large-cap energy companies to develop customized applications and manage data workflows/integration throughout the entire business. With experience implementing enterprise networks, supercomputers, and cellular tower solutions, Sandstone has become a trusted source and advisor.   He is also the Executive Publisher of, the best source for 24/7 energy news coverage, and is the Co-Host of the energy news video and Podcast Energy News Beat. Energy should be used to elevate humanity out of poverty. Let's use all forms of energy with the least impact on the environment while being sustainable without printing money. Stu is also a co-host on the 3 Podcasters Walk into A Bar podcast with David Blackmon, and Rey Trevino. Stuart is guided by over 30 years of business management experience, having successfully built and help sell multiple small and medium businesses while consulting for numerous Fortune 500 companies. He holds a B.A in Business Administration from Oklahoma State and an MBA from Oklahoma City University.