Daily Energy Standup Episode #189 – Energy Chronicles: Duke’s Diverse Plans, Inflation Act Woes, Climate Concerns, and China’s Intentions Unveiled

Daily Standup Top Stories

Duke Energy Files IRP, Proposes Gas, Nuclear and Renewables

Duke Energy filed plans to ensure energy reliability for its customers in South Carolina, focusing on gas-fired power plants, nuclear reactors, and renewable energy as it moves away from coal. Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke […]

One Year Later, Inflation Reduction Act Implementation Remains A Mess

Today marks the one-year anniversary of President Biden signing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law. Despite the misleading name—the law was never about reducing inflation—the IRA is a quintessential example of Democrats’ vision for […]

Wake up, America: Our climate policies are a catastrophe in the making

In a recent Senate hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) managed to extract from the deputy energy secretary three critical admissions concerning emissions. One, the United States is currently responsible for only 13% of global carbon emissions, and we cannot […]

Don’t be fooled: China’s investment in renewables is not about net zero – it is about preparing for war with the United States

History is a harsh mistress, especially for those who refuse to learn lessons from the past. Among the many reasons why Germany was ultimately defeated in World War II, Berlin’s lack of access to sufficient […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
03:09 – Duke Energy Files IRP Proposes Gas, Nuclear and Renewables
06:04 – One year later, in the Inflation Reduction Act, Implementation remains a mess
10:10 – Wake up, America our Climate Policies are Catastrophic in the making
12:57 – Don’t be fooled by China’s Investment in the Renewables is not about Net Zero it’s about preparing for war with the United States
16:52 – Market Updates
18:03 – EQT can officially close its trans acquisition of Tug Hill and Excel Midstream
19:28 – Energy transfer goes out and swipes up Crestwood Equity Partners for 7.1 billion
21:34 – Outro

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